Ünvan: Prof. Dr.Bölüm: Elektrik ve Elektronik MühendisliğiGörevi: AkademisyenE-posta: serkan.topaloglu@yeditepe.edu.trTelefon: 0 216 578 14 72Ofis: A-608Çalışma Türü: Tam ZamanlıAkademikBiyografiAraştırma ve İlgi Alanları: Yarıiletken Devre Elemanlarının Tasarım ve Uygulamaları Yüksek Frekans(RF) Devre Tasarımı RFID Tasarım Projeler: ALCATEL Graduate Student “High Efficiency 1W ClassB Push-Pull Amplifier Design for Hiperlan/2”, (2001 - 2002) BMBF (Germany) Researcher and Team Leader ”InP Electronics for 80 Gbit/s", (2002 - 2006) SONY Inc (Japan) Researcher “DHBT (Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors) design”, (2005 - 2006) DAAD (Germany) Visiting Researcher “Physical Simulation of HBTs”, (2009) Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (entrepreneur Fund) Technical Advisor, “Design of UHF RFiD Reader and relevant sub-circuits”, (2012 - 2013) TUBITAK-TEYDEB 1501 Poject Coordinator, “DVB-S2/DVB-C and DVB-T modulator Design for Digital Cable TV Networks”, (2012 - 2014) TUBITAK-TEYDEB 1507 Technical Advisor, “UHF RFiD Smart Shelf System Design and Application”, (2013 - 2014) TUBITAK-1001 Researcher, “Fabrication of Piezoelectric Ceramic Hollow Fibers with Low Sintering Temperature, Design of Devices and Their Applications”, (2013 - 2015) KOSGEB R&D Innovation and Ind. App. Support, Project Coordinator ”Development of CATV indoor amplifiers and Optica Transceivers compatible with DOCSIS 3.1 standard” (2014 - 2015) Verdiği DerslerElektroniğe GirişAnalog Elektronik DevreleriYüksek Frekans ElektroniğiStaj (Yaz Stajı) Mühendislik Projesine Giriş