• Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
ES 252
Course Period: 
Course Type: 
Laboratory Hour: 
Course Language: 
Course Coordinator: 
Courses given by: 
Course Objectives: 
Teaching the students engineering fundamentals of the biological phenomena at the molecular or at the particle level, providing the fundamental information for the engineering classes, which would be taught in the forthcoming years.
Course Content: 

Assessment of the biological and the physical phenomena at the particle level in the ideal dilute systems, molecular kinetic energy, molecular dance, the concepts of random walk, friction, effusion, and diffusion theories. Physical phenomena occurring at low Reynolds number. Molecule and sub atomic particle level mechanisms of heat transfer with conduction, convection and radiation. Pressure, ideal gas law for osmotic pressure, osmotic flow, electrostatic interaction, chemical potential and establishment of the cell structure.

Physical properties of the solid, dissolved and colloidal systems, factors affecting their steady state characteristics. Entropy, measure of the temperature and free energy, entropic force effects. Molecular machine, membranes, electro-osmotic effects, far from Donnan equilibrium systems, Ohmic conduction hypothesis, neuronal impulse

Course Methodology: 
1: Lecture by instructor, 2: Lecture by instructor with class discussion, 3: Problem solving by instructor, 4: Use of simulations, 7: Laboratory work, 8: Term research paper, 10: Sample Project Review, 11: Interdisciplinary group working, 12: …
Course Evaluation Methods: 
A: Written exam, B: Multiple-choice exam C: Take-home quiz, D: Experiment report, E: Homework, F: Project, G: Presentation by student, H: …

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Ders Tanimlari