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Food Engineering Department Courses



1. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I Core
FDE 101 Introduction to Food Engineering Core
HUM 103 Humanities Core
MATH 131 Calculus I Core
PHYS 101 Physics I Core
- Elective - Core - 1 Compulsory

2. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II Core
CHEM 113 General Chemistry Laboratory Core
ES 252 Fundamentals of Biological Sciences Core
MATH 132 Calculus II Core
PHAR 103 Molecular Biology and Genetics Core
- Elective - Core - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 1 Compulsory

3. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
CHEM 205 Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biomacromolecules Core
FDE 201 Food Chemistry Core
FDE 203 Introductory Microbiology for Food Engineers Core
FDE 205 Fundamentals of Scientific Research Core
HTR 301 History of Turkish Revolution I Core
MATH 241 Differential Equations Core

4. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FDE 214 Thermodynamics in Food Engineering Core
FDE 226 Food Analysis and Laboratory Core
FDE 254 Food Process Engineering I Core
HTR 302 History of Turkish Revolution II Core
STAT 410 Statistics Core
- Elective - Restricted - 1 Compulsory

5. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FDE 206 Food Microbiology Core
FDE 353 Food Process Engineering II Core
FDE 400 Summer Practice Core
FDE 444 Instrumental Methods in Food Analysis Core
- Elective - Restricted - 3 Compulsory
- Elective - Restricted - 2 Compulsory

6. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FDE 204 Food Safety and Risk Analysis Core
FDE 344 Food Technology Core
FDE 345 Statistical Quality Control in Food Industry Core
FDE 437 Food Engineering Operations and Process Design Core
- Elective - Restricted - 4 Compulsory
- Elective - Restricted - 5 Compulsory

7. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FDE 417 Sustainability Strategies and Assessment in the Food Sector Core
FDE 435 Food Product Development and Design Core
FDE 441 Process Control Core
- Elective - Restricted - 6 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Free - 3 Compulsory

8. Semester

Course Code Course Name Course Type
FDE 350 Kinetics of Food Reactions and Shelf Life Core
FDE 415 Food Quality Control Systems Core
FDE 492 Engineering Project Core
- Elective - Extra - 29 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 2 Compulsory
- Elective - Restricted - 8 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 1 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 3 Compulsory
- Elective - Restricted - 7 Compulsory
- Elective - Restricted - 9 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 4 Compulsory
- Elective - Extra - 30 Compulsory