Sevgili Öğrenciler,
Aşağıda seçmeli olarak alabileceğiniz ve alamayacağınız teknik ve serbest seçmeli derslerle ilgili dört liste bulacaksınız.
Alabileceğiniz dersler listesinin tam olmadığını belirtmek gerekir. Belirtilen listede olmayan bir ders almak istediğinizde, bölüm kurulu kararı geçerli olacaktır.
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Diğer Bölümlerden
Teknik Seçmeli Olarak Alabilecekleri Dersler
Biomedical Engineering |
BME 252 - Biomechanics |
BME 322 - Biomedical Sensors and Transducers |
BME 423 - Biometry For Analytical Reasoning And Modeling |
BME 442 - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
BME 444 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Civil Engineering |
CE 362 - Fundamentals of Environmental Management Systems |
CE 497 - Renewable Energy Sources |
Chemical Engineering |
CHBE 431 - World Energy Resources and Energy Politics |
CHBE 446 - Statistical Quality Control for Chemical and Biological Industries |
CHBE 452 - Pollution Control and Prevention |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
EE 212 - Circuits And Systems |
EE 351 - Communication Systems I |
EE 352 - Communication Systems II |
EE 382 - Control Systems |
EE 409 - Mechatronics |
EE 415 - Logic Circuit Design |
EE 416 - Measurement Theory |
EE 426 - Fiber Optics |
EE 433 - Physical Design of Integrated Circuits |
EE 436 - VLSI System Design |
EE 438 - GSM Systems |
EE 445 - Electronic Circuit Applications |
EE 456 - Introduction to Coding and Information Theory |
EE 457 - Mobile Cellular Communication Systems |
EE 458 - Wireless Communication |
EE 459 - Satellite Communication |
EE 465 - Advances in Multimedia Technologies |
EE 466 - Speech Processing |
EE 468 - Digital Signal Processing |
EE 469 - Image Processing (CSE'de açılmayan dönemler) |
EE 474 - Illumination Techniques and Indoor Installation |
EE 489 - Digital Control Systems |
Genetics And Bioengineering |
GBE 212 - Classical and Molecular Genetics |
GBE 311 - Principles of Bioengineering |
GBE 335 - Molecular Biology of the Gene |
GBE 403 - Molecular Biology I |
Engineering Science |
ES 405 - Management For Professional Engineers |
Mechanical Engineering |
ME 211 - Thermodynamics I |
ME 453 - Introduction to Mobile Robotics |
ME 456 - Mechatronics |
ME 459 - Robot Mechanics |
ME 462 – Micro Electronic and Mechanical Systems |
ME 465 - Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanoscience |
Systems Engineering |
ISE 222 - Operations Research I |
ISE 251 - Introduction To Graph Theory |
ISE 302 - Systems Engineering Methods |
ISE 331 - Finance for Engineers |
ISE 352 - Linear Systems and Control |
ISE 361 - Production Systems Design |
ISE 365 - Productivity Analysis |
ISE 367 - Scheduling |
ISE 368 - Ergonomics |
ISE 401 - System Dynamics and Modeling |
ISE 435 - Girişimcilik ve Yenilikçilik Yönetimi |
ISE 451 - Statistical Quality Control |
ISE 464 - Computer Aided Production Systems |
Physics |
PHYS 203 - Statistical Physics |
PHYS 303 - Metrolojiye Giriş |
PHYS 311 - Quantum Mechanics |
Mathematics |
MATH 304 - Int. To Decision Making And Games |
MATH 321 - Introduction To Group Theory |
MATH 341 - Probability Theory |
MATH 342 - Statistical Analysis |
MATH 404 - Concrete Mathematics |
MATH 421 - Elementary Number Theory |
MATH 437 – Applied Statistics I |
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Diğer Bölümlerden
Serbest Seçmeli Olarak Alabilecekleri Dersler
ACM 421 - Project Management |
AFN 101 - Management and International Finance |
ANT103 Antropoloji Tarihi |
ART 111 - History of Art |
ATH 209 - Food & Beverage Management |
ATH 411 - Airport Management |
BBA 101 - Introduction to Business |
BBA 102- Fundementals of Management |
BBA 202 - Organizational Behavior |
BBA 204 - Girişimcilik İlkeleri |
BBA 261 Marketing Principles |
BBA 365 - Digital Marketing |
BBA 412 - Entrepreneurship (KOSGEB) |
BUS 103 - Introduction to Business |
BUS 301 - Human Resource Management |
COMM 101 Introduction to Communication |
COMM 102 Media History |
COMM 171 - Introduction to Communication Design |
COMM 211 Photography |
COMM 231 - Basic Photography |
COMM 440 - Social Media Management |
ECON 111 - Mikroekonominin Temelleri |
ECON 365 Money & Capital Markets |
ES 310 - Result Oriented Innovation |
ETT 215 - Digital Marketing Management |
GBE 376 - Forensic Technologies |
GRA 104 - History of Graphic Design |
INDD 491 - Trend analizi ve marka |
NHS 304 - First Aid |
NHS 353 Sexual Health |
PA 406 - Globalization and Governance |
PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 112 - Logic I |
PLA 105 - Painting |
PSIR 332 European Union |
PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology |
PTR 262 - Sign Language |
RTC 200 - Film Criticism |
RTC 226 - History of Cinema |
RTC 321 - History of Turkish Cinema |
SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology |
SUST 101 - Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma |
SUST 301 - Sustainable Development |
TOK 101 - Theory of Knowledge |
VCD 111 - Job Psychology And Communication |
VCD 241 - Fotoğraf Ve Görüntü Tekn. |
VCD 277 - 2D Animation |
VCD 402 - Film and Animation Analysis |
VCD 474 - Game Design Workshop |
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Diğer Bölümlerden
Teknik Seçmeli Olarak Alamayacakları Dersler
ACM 476 - Data Mining |
AI 401 - Artificial Intelligence |
BME 372 - Modern Drug Transport Systems |
BME 413 - Biyomedikal ve Dental Dolgu Malzemeleri |
BME 414 - Orthopedic Cement for Hard Tissue Repair |
CE 403 - Computing in Civil Engineering |
CE 463 - Site Organization |
CE 473 - Traffic Engineering |
CET 110 - Basic Computer Applications |
CET 313 - Computer Networks and Communication |
CHBE 351 - İnorganik Üretim Teknolojileri |
ES 301 - Engineering Management |
ES 411 - Vehicle Electrification |
ES 415 - Smart Vehicles |
FDE 421 - Food biotechnology |
GBE 376 - Forensic Technologies |
GBE 433 - Biomaterials |
GRA 208 - Web Design |
MATH101 - Introduction to set theory and logic |
PHAR 124 - Computer usage in pharmacy |
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Diğer Bölümlerden
Serbest Seçmeli Olarak Alamayacakları Dersler
ACM 472 - 3D Design and Game Programming |
ACM 111 - Introduction to Computer and Information Processing |
ACM 262 - Introduction to Web Design |
ACM 361 - Networking I |
ACM 432 - Enterprise Information Systems |
AI 401 - Artificial Intelligence |
CET 110 - Basic Computer Applications |
ES 301 - Engineering Management |
ETT 425 - Search Engine Optimization |
GRA 102 - Image Processing Techniques (Adobe Photoshop) |