Ders Kodu | Şube | Ders Adı | Bütünleme Tarihi | Bütünleme Saati |
CSE311 | 1 | Algoritma Analizi | 30.01.2024 | 11:00-14:00 |
CSE427 | 1 | Bilgisayar Mimarisi | 25.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE101 | 1 | Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Kavramları ve Algoritmalar | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE101 | 2 | Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Kavramları ve Algoritmalar | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE101 | 3 | Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Kavramları ve Algoritmalar | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE483 | 1 | Bilgisayar Grafiği | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE323 | 1 | Bilgisayar Organizasyonu | 25.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
CSE439 | 1 | Bilgisayar Güvenliği | 30.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
CSE471 | 1 | Veri İletişimi ve Bilgisayar Ağları | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE471 | 2 | Veri İletişimi ve Bilgisayar Ağları | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE471 | 3 | Veri İletişimi ve Bilgisayar Ağları | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE471 | 4 | Veri İletişimi ve Bilgisayar Ağları | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CSE211 | 1 | Veri Yapıları | 30.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
CSE211 | 2 | Veri Yapıları | 30.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
CSE211 | 3 | Veri Yapıları | 30.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
CSE341 | 1 | Kütük Organizasyonu | 31.01.2024 - | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE341 | 2 | Kütük Organizasyonu | 31.01.2024 - | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE114 | 1 | Bilgisayar Programlamanın Temelleri | 25.01.2024 | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE114 | 2 | Bilgisayar Programlamanın Temelleri | 25.01.2024 | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE114 | 3 | Bilgisayar Programlamanın Temelleri | 25.01.2024 | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE462 | 1 | Yapay Zekaya Giriş | 25.01.2024 | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE464 | 1 | Veri Bilimi ve Büyük Veri Analizine Giriş | 30.01.2024 | 14:00 16:00 |
CSE224 | 1 | Sayısal Sistemlere Giriş | 26.01.2024 | 14:00 16:00 |
CSE476 | 1 | Mobil Uygulama Geliştirme | 26.01.2024 | 14:00 16:00 |
CSE331 | 1 | İşletim Sistemleri Tasarımı | 24.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
CSE331 | 2 | İşletim Sistemleri Tasarımı | 24.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
CSE221 | 1 | Mantık Tasarımının İlkeleri | 24.01.2024 | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE221 | 2 | Mantık Tasarımının İlkeleri | 24.01.2024 | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE221 | 3 | Mantık Tasarımının İlkeleri | 24.01.2024 | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE221 | 4 | Mantık Tasarımının İlkeleri | 24.01.2024 | 16:00 18:00 |
CSE351 | 1 | Programlama Dilleri | 25.01.2024 | 14:00 16:00 |
CSE351 | 2 | Programlama Dilleri | 25.01.2024 | 14:00 16:00 |
CSE447 | 1 | Yazılım Mimaris | 30.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
CSE212 | 1 | Yazılım Geliştirme Metodolojileri | 26.01.2024 | 14:00 16:00 |
CSE212 | 2 | Yazılım Geliştirme Metodolojileri | 26.01.2024 | 14:00 16:00 |
CSE232 | 1 | Sistem Programlama | 24.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
CSE232 | 2 | Sistem Programlama | 24.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
CSE232 | 3 | Sistem Programlama | 24.01.2024 | 11:30 14:00 |
BME211 | 1 | Biological and Medical Physics | 30.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
BME213 | 1 | Biology in Biomedical Engineering | 26.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
BME213 | 2 | Biology in Biomedical Engineering | 26.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
BME301 | 1 | Biomedical Electronics I | 30.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
BME302 | 1 | Biomedical Electronics II | 30.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
BME324 | 1 | Biomedical Sensors and Transducers | 31.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
BME492 | 1 | Engineering Project | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | |
BME492 | 2 | Engineering Project | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | |
BME492 | 3 | Engineering Project | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | |
BME313 | 1 | Human Physiology | 25.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
BME102 | 1 | Introduction to Biomedical Engineering | 29.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
BME444 | 1 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 30.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
BME421 | 1 | Medical Imaging | 30.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
BME421 | 2 | Medical Imaging | 30.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
BME441 | 1 | Microprocessors & Microcontrollers in BME | 30.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
BME441 | 2 | Microprocessors & Microcontrollers in BME | 30.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
BME351 | 1 | Modelling and Control of Biomedical Systems | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | |
EE333 | 1 | Analog Electronic Circuits | 29. 01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE333 | 2 | Analog Electronic Circuits | 29. 01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE333 | 3 | Analog Electronic Circuits | 29. 01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE421 | 1 | Antennas and Propagation | 31.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE421 | 2 | Antennas and Propagation | 31.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE421 | 3 | Antennas and Propagation | 31.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE421 | 4 | Antennas and Propagation | 31.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE212 | 1 | Circuits and Systems | 24.01.2024 | 18:00-20:00 |
EE354 | 1 | Communication Systems | 30.01.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
EE241 | 1 | Digital Circuits | 25.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE241 | 2 | Digital Circuits | 25.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE241 | 3 | Digital Circuits | 25.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE241 | 4 | Digital Circuits | 25.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE489 | 1 | Digital Control Systems | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | |
EE334 | 1 | Digital Electronic Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
EE334 | 2 | Digital Electronic Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
EE211 | 1 | Electrical Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE211 | 2 | Electrical Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE211 | 3 | Electrical Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE211 | 4 | Electrical Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE211 | 5 | Electrical Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 18:00-20:00 |
EE211 | 6 | Electrical Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 18:00-20:00 |
EE211 | 7 | Electrical Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 18:00-20:00 |
EE211 | 8 | Electrical Circuits | 24.01.2024 | 18:00-20:00 |
EE477 | 1 | Electrical Distribution Systems | 30.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE477 | 2 | Electrical Distribution Systems | 30.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE323 | 1 | Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines | 29.01.2024 | 10:00-12:00 |
EE323 | 2 | Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines | 29.01.2024 | 10:00-12:00 |
EE323 | 3 | Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines | 29.01.2024 | 10:00-12:00 |
EE371 | 1 | Electromechanical Energy Conversion | 30.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE226 | 1 | Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields | 02.02.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
EE372 | 1 | Fundamentals of Power Systems | 30.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE469 | 1 | Image Processing | 29.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
EE456 | Introduction to Coding and Information Theory | 29.01.2024 | 18:00-20:00 | |
EE384 | 1 | Introduction to Control Systems | 25.01.2024 | 9:00-11:30 |
EE361 | 1 | Introduction to Digital Signal Processing | 30.01.2024 | 10:00-12:00 |
EE361 | 2 | Introduction to Digital Signal Processing | 30.01.2024 | 10:00-12:00 |
EE361 | 3 | Introduction to Digital Signal Processing | 30.01.2024 | 10:00-12:00 |
EE232 | 1 | Introduction to Electronics | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
EE232 | 2 | Introduction to Electronics | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
EE242 | 1 | Microprocessor Systems | 26.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE242 | 2 | Microprocessor Systems | 26.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE242 | 3 | Microprocessor Systems | 26.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE242 | 4 | Microprocessor Systems | 26.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
EE433 | 1 | Physical Design of Integrated Circuits | 25.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ISE214 | 1 | Computational Methods for Industrial Engineers | 01.02.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE316 | 1 | Computer Applications for Industrial Engineers | 28.01.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE412 | 1 | Data Science for Industrial Engineers | 01.02.2024 | 16:00 - 18:00 |
ISE432 | 1 | Decision Analysis | 25.01.2024 | 11:30 - 14:00 |
ISE455 | 1 | Design of Experiments | 02.02.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE368 | 1 | Ergonomics | 26.01.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE331 | 1 | Finance for Engineers | 24.01.2024 | 16:00 - 18:00 |
ISE311 | 1 | Information Technologies | 02.02.2024 | 16:00 - 18:00 |
ISE491 | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | ||
ISE101 | 1 | Introduction to Industrial Engineering | 31.01.2024 | 11:30 - 14:00 |
ISE456 | 1 | Introduction to Risk Analysis | 27.01.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE426 | 1 | Logistics Systems | 31.01.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE427 | 1 | Mathematical Modeling | 24.01.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE222 | 1 | Operations Research I | 29.01.2024 | 11:30 - 14:00 |
ISE323 | 1 | Operations Research II | 02.02.2024 | 11:30 - 14:00 |
ISE361 | 1 | Production Systems Design | 28.01.2024 | 11:30 - 14:00 |
ISE344 | 1 | Simulation | 30.01.2024 | 11:30 - 14:00 |
ISE256 | 1 | Statistical Applications for Industrial Engineers | 30.01.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE451 | 1 | Statistical Quality Control | 31.01.2024 | 09:00 - 11:30 |
ISE362 | 1 | Supply Chain Management | 25.01.2024 | 16:00 - 18:00 |
ISE402 | 1 | System Design | 26.01.2024 | 11:30 - 14:00 |
ISE401 | 1 | System Dynamics and Modeling | 29.01.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00 |
ISE304 | 1 | Systems Engineering Methods with DHL | 29.01.2024 | 09:00 - 11:30 |
GBE301 | 1 | Biyokimya I | 30.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
GBE302 | 1 | Biyokimya II | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-15.00 |
GBE111 | 1 | Biyoloji | 01.02.2024 | 11.30-14.00 |
GBE222 | 1 | Byometri: Biyomühendislik Uygulamaları için Nümerik ve İstatiksel Yöntemler |
29.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
GBE361 | 1 | Biyotransport Olayları | 01.02.2024 | 09.00-11.00 |
GBE205 | 1 | Hücre Biyolojisi | 26.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
GBE212 | 1 | Klasik Moleküler Genetik |
30.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 |
GBE216 | 1 | Klasik Moleküler Genetik Lab. |
30.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
GBE326 | Deneysel Genetik ve Biyomühendislik I: İlkeler | 29.01.0204 | 16.00-18.00 | |
GBE415 | 1 | Deneysel Genetik ve Biyomühendislik II: Tasarım ve Uygulamalar |
29.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
GBE376 | ||||
GBE113 | 1 | Temel Biyoloji | 24.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
GBE113 | 2 | Temel Biyoloji | 24.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
GBE435 | 1 | Gen Terapisi | 01.02.2024 | 11.30-14.00 |
GBE203 | 1 | Mikrobiyoloji | 24.01.2024 | 13.00-15.00 |
GBE403 | 1 | |||
GBE451 | 1 | Biyoproses Mühendisliği Teknikleri | 30.01.2024 | 14.00-.16.00 |
GBE341 | 1 | Gen Mühendisliği Teknikleri I | 26.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
GBE342 | 1 | Gen Mühendisliği Teknikleri II | 26.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
FDE201 | 1 | Food Chemistry | 30.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
FDE337 | 1 | Food Formulation Engineering | 24.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
FDE467 | 1 | Food Innovation and Design | Bütünleme sınavı yok | |
FDE206 | 1 | Food Microbiology | 29.01.2024 | 11.00-13:00 |
FDE353 | 1 | Food Process Engineering II | Bütünleme sınavı yok | |
FDE415 | 1 | Food Quality Control Systems | 24.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
FDE205 | 1 | Fundamentals of Scientific Research | 24.01.2024 | 18:00-20:00 |
FDE101 | 1 | Introduction to Food Engineering | 29.01.2024 | 11:00-13:00 |
FDE203 | 1 | Introductory Microbiology for Food Engineers | Genetik ve Biyomühendislik Bölümü yapacak. | |
FDE354 | 1 | Novel Food Processing Technologies | 24.01.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
CE372 | 1 | Construction Management | 24.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
CE221 | 1 | Construction Materials | 25.01.2024 | 16:00-18.00 |
CE491 | 1 | Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures | 24.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
CE493 | 1 | Design of Structural Steel Members | 02.02.2024 | 16:00-18:00 |
CE363 | 1 | Earth Sciences | 31.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CE231 | 1 | Engineering Mechanics I:Statics | 02.02.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CE351 | 1 | Fluid Mechanics | 29.01.2024 | 13:00-14:00 |
CE441 | 1 | Foundation Engineering | 01.02.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
CE101 | 1 | Introduction to Civil Engineering | 30.01.2024 | 14:00-15:30 |
CE488 | 1 | Introduction to Earthquake Engineering | 30.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
CE471 | 1 | Introduction to Seismic Performance Evaluation and Retrofit of Buildings | Bütünleme sınavı yok | Bütünleme sınavı yok |
CE236 | 1 | Mechanics of Materials | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CE382 | 1 | Reinforced Concrete | 24.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
CE341 | 1 | Soil Mechanics | 26.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
CE499 | 1 | Special Topics in Civil Engineering | Bütünleme sınavı yok | Bütünleme sınavı yok |
CE381 | 1 | Structural Analysis | 01.02.2024 | 09:30-11:30 |
CE496 | 1 | Sustainable Construction | 29.01.2024 | 09.00-11.00 |
CE361 | 1 | Design of Transportation System | 25.01.2024 | 18:00-20:00 |
CE455 | 1 | Water Resources | 25.01.2024 | 12:00-13:00 |
CE 492 | 1 | Bütünleme sınavı yok | Bütünleme sınavı yok | Bütünleme sınavı yok |
CHEM215 | 1 | Analytical Chemistry | ||
CHBE232 | 1 | CHBE I: Fluid Mechanics | 25.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHBE331 | 1 | CHBE II : Heat Transfer | 25.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHBE333 | 1 | CHBE III : Mass Transfer | 31.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHBE463 | 1 | Chemical & Biochemical Process Design I | 31.01.2024 | 11,30-14.00 |
CHBE214 | 1 | Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | 26.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHBE311 | 1 | Computer Applications in CHBE | 29.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHBE301 | 1 | Experimental CHBE I | 28.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHBE302 | 1 | Experimental CHBE II | 28.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHBE401 | 1 | Experimental CHBE III | 29.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHEM101 | 1 | General Chemistry | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM101 | 1 | General Chemistry | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM101 | 1 | General Chemistry | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM101 | 1 | General Chemistry | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM101 | 1 | General Chemistry | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM101 | 1 | General Chemistry | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM101 | 1 | General Chemistry | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM101 | 1 | General Chemistry | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM111 | 1 | General Chemistry I | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM111 | 2 | General Chemistry I | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM112 | 2 | General Chemistry II | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM112 | 1 | General Chemistry II | 25.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM113 | 1 | General Chemistry Lab | 24.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM113 | 2 | General Chemistry Lab | 24.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHEM113 | 3 | General Chemistry Lab | 24.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
CHBE351 | 1 | Inorganic Technologies | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | |
CHBE102 | 1 | Introduction to Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering | 26.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHEM205 | 1 | Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biomacromolecules | ||
CHBE215 | 1 | Material and Energy Balances | 26.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
CHBE361 | 1 | Materials in Chemical & Biological Applications | 30.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 |
CHBE203 | Organic Chemistry | 31.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 | |
CHBE203 | Organic Chemistry | 31.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 | |
CHBE203 | Organic Chemistry | 31.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 | |
CHBE203 | Organic Chemistry | 31.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 | |
CHBE203 | Organic Chemistry | 31.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 | |
CHBE203 | Organic Chemistry | 31.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 | |
CHBE211 | 1 | Physical Chemistry I | 02.02.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CHBE441 | 1 | Process Dynamics & Control | 30.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 |
CHBE362 | 1 | Reactor Design | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
CHBE433 | 1 | Separation Processes | 02.02.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
ME432 | 1 | Aerodynamics | 29.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME244 | 1 | Dynamics | 01.02.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ME244 | 2 | Dynamics | 01.02.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ME477 | 1 | Finite Element Method | 29.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME331 | 1 | Fluid Mechanics | 29.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME331 | 2 | Fluid Mechanics | 29.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME101 | 5 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering | 31.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME101 | 4 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering | 31.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME101 | 3 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering | 31.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME101 | 2 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering | 31.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME101 | 1 | Introduction to Mechanical Engineering | 31.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME343 | 1 | Machine Elements I | 31.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME343 | 2 | Machine Elements I | 31.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME363 | 1 | Manufacturing Processes | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME363 | 2 | Manufacturing Processes | 26.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME445 | 1 | Mechanical Vibrations | 02.02.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ME446 | 1 | Mechanics of Composite Materials | 30.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME371 | 4 | Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering | 25.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME371 | 2 | Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering | 25.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME371 | 3 | Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering | 25.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME371 | 1 | Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering | 25.01.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME478 | 1 | Optimization Techniques | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME241 | 2 | Statics | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME241 | 3 | Statics | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME241 | 1 | Statics | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ME485 | 1 | Theory and Engineering of Music | 30.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME211 | 1 | Thermodynamics I | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME211 | 4 | Thermodynamics I | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME211 | 3 | Thermodynamics I | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ME211 | 2 | Thermodynamics I | 24.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
MSN403 | 1 | Design Principles and Materials Selection in Engineering Applications | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | |
MSN307 | 1 | Experimental Techniques in Nanoscience | 25.01.2024 | 09.00-11.30 |
MSN453 | 1 | Glass Science and Technology | Bütünleme Sınavı Yok | |
MSN101 | 1 | Introduction to Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineering | 26.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
MSN321 | 1 | Materials Characterization-II | 26.01.2024 | 14.00-16.00 |
MSN205 | 1 | Materials Physics | 26.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
MSN213 | 1 | Materials Thermodynamics | 24.01.2024 | 18.00-20.00 |
MSN407 | 1 | Metallic Materials and Alloys | ||
MSN301 | 1 | Metallic Materials Production Processes I | 25.01.2024 | 09.00-11.30 |
MSN405 | 1 | Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology | 29.01.2024 | 11.30-14.00 |
MSN305 | 1 | Polymer Science and Technology | 29.01.2024 | 16.00-18.00 |
ES112 | 1 | Algoritmalar ve Bilgisayar Programlama | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ES112 | 2 | Algoritmalar ve Bilgisayar Programlama | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ES112 | 3 | Algoritmalar ve Bilgisayar Programlama | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ES112 | 4 | Algoritmalar ve Bilgisayar Programlama | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ES112 | 5 | Algoritmalar ve Bilgisayar Programlama | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ES112 | 6 | Algoritmalar ve Bilgisayar Programlama | 02.02.2024 | 09:00-11:30 |
ES161 | 5 | Engineering Drawing | 28.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES161 | 3 | Engineering Drawing | 28.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES161 | 2 | Engineering Drawing | 28.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES161 | 1 | Engineering Drawing | 28.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES161 | 6 | Engineering Drawing | 28.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES161 | 4 | Engineering Drawing | 28.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES301 | 1 | Engineering Management | 02.02.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES301 | 2 | Engineering Management | 02.02.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES222 | 1 | Fundamentals of EEE | 27.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES222 | 2 | Fundamentals of EEE | 27.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES115 | 1 | Fundamentals of Scientific Programming | 31.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ES115 | 2 | Fundamentals of Scientific Programming | 31.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ES117 | 6 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 31.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES117 | 1 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 31.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES117 | 2 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 31.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES117 | 3 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 31.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES117 | 5 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 31.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES117 | 4 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 31.01.2024 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES272 | 4 | Numerical Analysis | 28.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ES272 | 3 | Numerical Analysis | 28.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ES272 | 2 | Numerical Analysis | 28.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ES272 | 1 | Numerical Analysis | 28.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ES310 | 1 | Results Oriented Innovation | 24.01.2023 | 11:30-14:00 |
ES224 | 2 | Signals and Systems | 30.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ES224 | 1 | Signals and Systems | 30.01.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |
ES415 | 1 | Smart Vehicles | 01.02.2024 | 14:00-16:00 |