• Türkçe
  • English

Ph.D Qualifier Exam
Exam Procedure
● The exam has two parts, namely, a written exam and an oral exam.
● Written exam will take place 4th of July 2022 at 11:00 AM. at the EE meeting room on the
third floor.
● Written exam is composed of two main parts: EE Fundamentals and Area Fundamentals.
There will be 14 questions in 7 areas.
● These areas are Communications, Control Systems, Circuits and Systems, Electronics,
Electromagnetics, Power and Energy, Signal Processing.
● Phd candidate is accepted to solve five questions of which 2 must be chosen from the EE
Fundamentals question set and 3 must be chosen from the Area Fundamentals question set.
● In order to pass the written exam, a PhD candidate is accepted to get a grade of 70 out of
● The oral exam will be carried on by 5 jury members where one of the jury will be your
advisor. Each jury member will ask 2 questions.
● Phd candidates must get 70 out of 100 in order to pass the Oral exam.
● The D2 form (which identifies the jury members) must be submitted to GSNAS (FBE in
Turkish) by 27’th of June 2022.
● In case the candidate passes the written exam but fails the oral exam he/she should only
take the oral exam again.
● Oral exam grade (Form D3 ) should be submitted to GSNAS (FBE) by 6th of July 16:00.

For an overall flowchart of the process see

And for the deadlines see http://fbe.yeditepe.edu.tr/tr/2022-bahar-donemi-enstitu-akademik-