- Fethi Okyar - Mechanical Engineering Department
- Başar Atalay - Faculty of Medicine
- Dionysis Goularas - Computer Engineering Department
- Esin Onbaşıoğlu - Computer Engineering Department
- Koray Şafak - Mechanical Engineering Department
- Volkan Harput - Faculty of Medicine
- Ahu Soydan - Computer Engineering Department
Undergrad students:
- Demet Yılmaz
- Süheyla Çetin
- Güzin Baştan
- Okan Türkeş
- Utku Kuşçu
Virtual reality based surgical training has a great potential as an alternative to traditional training methods in surgery. The aim of this research is to develop a novel virtual reality training system for neurosurgical interventions.
VISPLAT (Virtual Surgery Planning and Training) is a platform for virtual surgery simulation. It is designed as a patient-specific system that provides a database where patient information and CT images are stored. It acts as a framework for modeling 3D objects from CT images, visualization of the surgical operations, haptic interaction and mechanistic material-removal models for surgical operations. The research tries to solve the challenging problems in surgical simulation, such as real-time interaction with complex 3D datasets, photorealistic visualization, and haptic (force-feedback) modeling.
START: 2008
END: 2010