• Türkçe
  • English
Course Code: 
Course Period: 
Course Type: 
Laboratory Hour: 
Course Language: 
Course Coordinator: 
Courses given by: 
Course Objectives: 
• To ensure that the students gain basic genetics and molecular biology background at a theoretical as well as practical level. • To teach students the concept of modern cell biology and chemistry of the cell including macromolecules. • To ensure that the students learn about the structure and function of cells and organelles. • To teach students the processes of replication, transcription, translation and gene regulation. • To teach students the membrane transport as well as intracellular transport. • To ensure that students learn the structures and functions of the cytoskeletal elements. • To teach students the basic concepts in cancer and cell signaling.
Course Content: 

Evolution of the cell; discovering the cell structure and importance of cellular organization; cellular organelles; structure and function of cellular membranes; intracellular membrane networks; DNA packaging; the processes of replication, transcription, translation and gene regulation; cytoskeletal structure of the cell; extracellular structure and cell matrix; intercellular recognition and cell adhesion; the cell cycle and cell division; chemical signaling between cells; cellular differentiation; basic concepts in cancer.

Course Methodology: 
1: Lecture by instructor, 2: Lecture by instructor with class discussion, 3: Problem solving by instructor, 4: Use of simulations, 5: Problem solving assignment, 6: Reading assignment, 7: Laboratory work, 8: Term research paper, 9: Presentation by guest s
Course Evaluation Methods: 
A: Written exam, B: Multiple-choice exam C: Take-home quiz, D: Experiment report, E: Homework, F: Project, G: Presentation by student, H: …

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Ders Tanimlari