1. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
CHEM 111 | General Chemistry I | Core |
ES 161 | Engineering Drawing | Core |
HUM 103 | Humanities | Core |
MATH 131 | Calculus I | Core |
MSN 101 | Introduction to Materials Science and Nanotechnology Engineering | Core |
PHYS 101 | Physics I | Core |
2. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
CHEM 112 | General Chemistry II | Core |
MATH 132 | Calculus II | Core |
MSN 102 | Fundamentals of Materials Science | Core |
MSN 112 | Statics and Strength of Materials | Core |
PHYS 102 | Physics II | Core |
- | Elective - Restricted - 1 | Compulsory |
3. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
MATH 221 | Linear Algebra | Core |
MATH 241 | Differential Equations | Core |
MSN 205 | Materials Physics | Core |
MSN 213 | Materials Thermodynamics | Core |
MSN 223 | Mechanical Behaviours of Materials | Core |
- | Elective - Restricted - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Core - 1 | Compulsory |
4. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
MSN 218 | Fundamentals of Nano Science and Engineering | Core |
MSN 220 | Materials Charactarization-I | Core |
MSN 230 | Transport Phenomena | Core |
MSN 240 | Phase Diagrams | Core |
- | Elective - Core - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Free - 1 | Compulsory |
5. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
MSN 301 | Principles of Primary Metal Production | Core |
MSN 305 | Polymer Science and Technology | Core |
MSN 307 | Experimental Techniques in Nanoscience | Core |
MSN 321 | Materials Characterization-II | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Restricted - 3 | Compulsory |
6. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
MSN 304 | Computational Materials Science | Core |
MSN 306 | Composite Materials | Core |
MSN 316 | Materials Laboratory | Core |
MSN 340 | Ceramic Science and Technology | Core |
- | Elective - Free - 3 | Compulsory |
7. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
HTR 301 | History of Turkish Revolution I | Core |
MSN 400 | Summer Practice | Core |
MSN 403 | Design Principles and Materials Selection in Engineering Applications | Core |
MSN 491 | Introduction to Engineering Project | Core |
- | Elective - Restricted - 5 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Restricted - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Restricted - 6 | Compulsory |
8. Semester
Course Code | Course Name | Course Type |
HTR 302 | History of Turkish Revolution II | Core |
MSN 492 | Engineering Project | Core |
- | Elective - Extra - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 3 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 1 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Restricted - 8 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Free - 4 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Restricted - 9 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 2 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 29 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Extra - 30 | Compulsory |
- | Elective - Restricted - 7 | Compulsory |