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Studying Civil Engineering at Yeditepe University | MÜDEK Accreditation

Humanity always needs the structures that Civil Engineering will realize. Therefore, the aim of Yeditepe University Civil Engineering Department is for graduates to find a job for themselves and even start their own business, both at home and abroad, in line with its vision. Human relations come to the fore in this profession. For example, in a building, there are situations of collaboration with architects, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers. Yeditepe University Civil Engineering students can embellish their careers with the opportunity of a second foreign language. In this context, students are offered the opportunity to learn Russian, Chinese and Arabic languages. In this department, all academic staff teach in their own staff. In this context, the Department of Civil Engineering has an expert and experienced teaching staff. In order for students to complete their education period, they must have completed 20 days of office and 20 days of construction site internships. Yeditepe University Civil Engineering courses are mainly taught in the form of practical courses besides the theoretical courses. In this way, students can absorb the lessons more and have the necessary equipment. In addition, students can contact the leading organizations of the sector in practice courses and learn the answers to the questions that come to their minds from the individuals in the sector themselves. It is seen that Yeditepe University has a respectable place in the ranking list of Civil Engineering Department in Turkey. In addition, it is seen that 93% of the department graduates find a job, and 31% of them progress to their career goals by completing a master's degree. Yeditepe University Civil Engineering program is a strong curriculum that is constantly renewed in line with the conditions and needs of the day.

Yeditepe University, Civil Engineering Department graduates;

  • Gain the basic qualifications, knowledge and skills that will be needed in the application areas of Civil Engineering and in business life,
  • Having gained the necessary infrastructure for postgraduate education after undergraduate education, equipped to continue his career with graduate education both at home and abroad,
  • Being able to follow the current developments in the sector and having the opportunity to develop projects in this context,
  • It makes great efforts to raise individuals with employment qualifications in various public and private sector institutions.

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Yeditepe University Civil Engineering Department has been accredited by MÜDEK-Engineering Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association. MÜDEK has the Quality Evaluation and Registration Certificate issued by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK).

With MÜDEK accreditation, our education program has also received the EUR-ACE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) label, and our graduates have gained the flexibility to work in international professional or academic environments.

For more information, you can visit the MÜDEK website:






What Do Civil Engineering Graduates Do? Where do they work?

Yeditepe University Civil Engineering Department, which was established in 2008, has reached a total of 629 graduates as of the spring term of 2023. According to the results we obtained from the survey we conducted with our graduates, 31% of our graduates work in multinational projects (Figure 1). Our graduates continue their careers in countries such as America, Russia, Italy, UAE, Saudi Arabia, or in different large or small-scale projects in Turkey, such as subways and airports. According to the results obtained from the surveys, our graduates work in every field in the sector (Figure 2). 39% of our graduates are working in managerial positions, and 38% of them have assumed authority and responsibility in international projects (Figure 3). While most of our graduates take part in working life, some of them continue their graduate education. 36% of all our graduates have a master's degree, 19% of them are doing a master's degree in a foreign educational institution (Figure 4). There are those who go to various universities in England, Italy and the USA for their master's degree, and those who continue their education mainly at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul Technical University, Yıldız Technical University in Turkey. We also have many graduates who, after completing their education, took part in their own family business or set up their own company after gaining some experience.



Figure 1


Figure 2



Figure 3

Figure 4

  • 26 of our 629 graduates completed a Double Major in Architecture, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
  • 47 of our master's students have completed or are doing their master's degree in foreign universities.


Institutions and Firms Where Our Graduates Work

36. paralel mimarlık

3s Kale Holding

Abank - İstanbul

Acun Medya

Açı İnşaat

Adıgüzeller İnşaat

AG Çelik Hasır

Ahes İnşaat

Akgün Yapı

Akım elektronik

Akoğlu Yapı

Alarahan Mimarlık

Alusan Aluminyum

Ankas Mühendislik

Ant Yapı, Manzara Adalar Projesi

APC Yapı A.Ş

Apple Inc. / İstanbul

Ar Arslan İnşaat

Arkoçlar İnşaat

ARM Yapı Denetim


AS-TA Mühendislik - Muğla

ASA İnşaat Makina Tic. ve San. Ltd. Şti.

Asger Çelik

ASTTA Mühendislik

Aşıkoğlu Yapı İnşaat Ltd. Şti.

Ataşehir Belediyesi


Atlas Yapı Denetim - Kastamonu

Aula İnşaat Mimarlık Mühendislik

Aydın İnşaat

Aygen Teknik - İstanbul

Aytaç Proje İnşaat

Azim İnşaat

B-Lab Software Technology

Başergün İnşaat

Bayl Yapı ve İnşaat Ltd. Şti.

Bayraktar İnşaat

Baysal Metal Tic. Ltd. Şti.

BBİ Uluslararası Taşımacılık

Beximport Gıda Elektronik İthaalat İhracat Tic.Ltd.Şti.

Bipa - Nurpa Holding / Mardin

Bipa Holding

Boğaziçi üniversitesi - İstanbul

Bozgülek Yapı Denetim - Kocaeli

Bozgülek yapı denetim limited şirketi/kocaeli

BRK Çetin İnşaat

Bukan Yapı İnş.

Burkay Günaçtı Şahıs Şirketi

Büyük Çamlıca Peyzaj

Canatanlar İnşaat San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. - Beton Santralleri

Canhan Yapı Denetim

Cemtaş - İzmir

Cengiz & First Kuwaiti JV Şirketi - Kuveyt

Cihan İnşaat

Cihangir Grup / EUROCON İnşaat Yatırım A.Ş.

Ck Grup Mühendislik ve Mimarlık

CMZ Yapı Ltd. Şti.

CNP Yapı - Antalya

Cumrat İnşaat

Çağan yapı insaat gayrimenkul

Çağdan Mühendislik

Çakırtek Mühendislik

Çalışkanlar Beton Mad.Yapı Malz.Nak.İnş.Turz.San.ve Tic.Ltd.Şti.

Çelemler AŞ.

Çelik Grup Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Taahhüt Projeleri

Çelik Motor

Çeşen Mühendislik

Damga Yapı Denetim - Tahincioğlu Bomonti Nidakule Şantiyesi

DAP Yapı


Deltek Modern İnşaat Uygulamaları San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.

Demirkon A.Ş. - Gümüşhane

Demirli İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş

Den Haag - Hollanda

Dere Construction

Desen Mermer - Batman

DGD Mühendislik

Doğan Yapı

Doğuş Otomotiv

Dzekos d.o.o

Ecemar İnşaat;Ece Marina Suites;Ece Yatçılık

Eduka Yapı

Ege Asfalt Maden İnş. Nak. San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.

Ege Yapı Grup

Ege Zeybek Yapı Denetim

Ege Zirve İnş. - Bursa

Egemen İnşaat Tic. A.Ş.

Ekaş A.Ş.

Eko İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. - Romanya

Elevation Flooring - İstanbul

Emta Energy

ENKA İnşaat

Entegre Proje Yonetim - İstanbul

Enver Tekstil

Erhan Tozan Müh. ve Danışmanlık Statik Proje ve Tasarım - Muğla

Erk İnşaat Taahüt Sanayi

Erpak İnşaat

Ertekler Yapı - Edirne

Eskiz Mimarlık - Antalya

Esta Construction - Rusya

Fazlı Şeker İnş.


FCN Enerji

Fenercioglu A.Ş - Antalya

Ferko Ltd. Şti.

Fimay yapı - Bandırma

Formül Madencilik

Fortune İnşaat

Freysinnet - İtalya

Friterm - İstanbul

Gemsan Asansör İnşaat Ltd. Şti.

General Electric

Gökyol İnşaat

Görgülü İnşaat

Görgülü İnşaat, İstanbul Tower Projesi

Gur-Ya Construction Co Ltd

Gülermak-Kolin-Kalyon Metro Yapım Ortaklığı, İstanbul

Gülermak-Nurol Ümraniye Metro Hattı Projesi

Gün İnşaat - Sakarya

Güner İnşaat

GYA İnşaat - Zirve Holding

Hakyapı İnşaat - İstanbul

Hatipoğlu İnşaat Bürosu

HBZ Holding - İzmir

Hektaş Holding-Emek Yapı Yatırım İnşaat Tic.Ltd.Şti

Hive Tasarım ve Teknoloji A.Ş

Hofu - Gürcistan

Hyundai Engineering & Construction and SK Engineering & Construction Joint Venture

IC İctas-Astaldi JV

İçel Mimarlık

İdakon yapı

İGA (İstanbul 3. Havaalanı)

İkram İnşaat - Adana

İmall Yapı İnşaat

İmta Endüstriyel - Ankara

İmza Sağlık, Ortak Sağlık ve Güvenlik Birimi - Kayseri

İnha İnşaat

İntaya İnşaat Taahhüt Yatırım A.Ş

İntim inşaat/ Ankara

İSU - Kocaeli

Kaan elektronik

Kalyon İnşaat

Kamur İnşaat

Karasu İnşaat

Kare Steel Construction

Kayalar Müh. Yapı A.Ş.

Kayaoğlu İnşaat

Kayaoğlu İplik ve Plastik - Gaziantep

Kayı İnşaat Taahhüt

Kazdallar İnşaat Turizm, Şantiye Şefi (Aile Şirketi)

Keller Williams Boğaziçi

Kent İnşaat

Kervana İnşaat - Çorlu

Kipaş Holding

Kiptaş İstanbul Konut İmar Plan Tur. Ulaş. San. Ve Tic. A.Ş.

KMY Eğitim ve Danışmanlık

LBA Mühendislik

Lik Yapı İnşaat Mad. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Limak Kuveyt Havalimanı Projesi

Madanoğlu Yapı İnşaat ve Taahhüt

MAG Mühendislik Hizmetleri Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Mak-yol Hasdal-Çatalca Devlet Yolu

Marmara Development Co.

Mavia Yapı

Megaprojeler İnşaat Turizm San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. - Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri

Mersin International Port

MGF İnşaat

MHC Mühendislik - Ankara

Mimsa - İstanbul

MLH İnşaat Yapı

MNG Zemtaş - Suudi Arabistan

Moda Yapı

Mumcular Çelik Konstrüksiyon

Net Holding - Merit Otelleri-Kuzey Kıbrıs

Nilüfer Proje Tasarım - Bursa

Nuhoğlu İnşaat

Olmetsan Metal

Omni Sigorta

Ordu Kaya İnşaat

Oytaş-Yıldız İnşaat, Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Ömer Bayram İnşaat ve Gökçen Bayram İnşaat ve Mimarlık

Önük İnşaat - Adana

Özel İnş. Taah. San. Ltd. Şti. / KUZEY İnş.Taah. Maden San. Ltd. Şti.

Özerson İnşaat Mühendislik

Özka İnşaat

Özka Ortaklar

Özlem Grup Ticaret İnsaat Gıda ve Iht. Mad. Paz. San. ve Tic. A.Ş.

Özler Kalıp ve İskelet Sistemleri

Perform Mühendislik - İstanbul

Prestij Motorlu Araçlar Tic. San. Ltd. Şti.

Primetal Technologies

Prj Mühendislik

Prokon Mühendislik ve Müşavirlik A.Ş.

Promer Mühendislik Müşavirlik A.Ş.

Pronet Mühendislik

Prozon Mühendislik - İzmir

RC Yapı

Reinforcement Engineering,  Londra

Reisoğlu Mermer


Renaissance Construction, St. Petersburg, Rusya

Rom Mühendislik Yapı İnşaat Mimarlık - Afyonkarahisar

Roya Yapı İnşaat

Samar Yapı Denetim

Seral İnşaat

Sezer Proje Mimarlık Mühendislik Müşavirlik İnşaat Taah. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

SF İnşaat

Sigma Mühendislik

Sigma Mühendislik

Simay Yapı

Sinop Belediyesi - İmar ve Şehircilik Müdürlüğü

Siska İnşaat - İstanbul

SNH İnşaat

Socar Star Rafineri İnşaatı Altyapı İmalatları

Sur İnşaat - İstanbul

Synergy Construction  - Gürcistan

Şahinler Endüstriyel Demir

Şantiye Destek Proje Yönetimi

Şayık İnşaat - Bursa

Şenbay-Kolin-Kalyon D.B Metro Yapım Ortaklığı

Şişik Alüminyum

Tahir Tarhan İnş. Elektrik Müh. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Taht Dış Ticaret İnşaat A.Ş. (Bankacılık ve Uluslarası Ticaret)

Target Teknik Araştırma, Geliştirme, Danışmanlık, İnşaat San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Taş Dünyası Doğal Taşlar Madencilik İnşaat San. ve Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Taşkent Enerji Santrali - Özbekistan

Taşyapı İnşaat - Sremska Mitrovica

TAV - Sera Construction

TE mühendislik

Tekfen İnşaat - Katar Alkhor Expressway projesi

Tekirdağ Muratlı Belediyesi

Tekyapı Mühendislik

Temat - Gözlem karayolları müşavirlik

Timka Mühendislik İnşaat Tic. ve San. Ltd. Şti.

Torunlar Real Estate Investment Company

Turan Yapı

Turna Yapı Denetim

Turner consruction

Tuval Zeytin Sanatı - Bursa

Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası Genel Müdürlüğü

Türkmenler Metal Yapı - İstanbul


Ulaştırma Bakanlığı

Umut Hafriyat

Uyalım Dekorasyon Dizayn

Veka İnşaat - Ankara

Versus Enerji - İnta Endüstriyel Ortaklığı

Vortex Mühendislik - Malatya

VYM Yapı Mühendislik

Werner & Balci Mühendislik İnşaat

Yapı Akademisi

Yapı Ticaret Koll. Şti.

Yapıartı - Amsterdam

Yapıkur İnşaat A.Ş.

Yatırım İnşaat - Lüleburgaz

YCY Yapı Mühendislik - Eskişehir

Yeditepe Üniversite/İstanbul

Yeditepe Üniversitesi

Yenigün & Dere Construction Ortak Girişimi

Yenigün İnşaat  Suudi Arabia

Yenişehir Belediyesi Fen İşleri Müdürlüğü

Yıldız Tan Orman Ürünleri S.T. Ltd. Şti.

YP İnşaat

YTC İnşaat

Yüksel Proje, Bakırköy-Kirazlı Metro

ZEM Yapı

Zetas Zemin Teknolojisi - Dubai

ZNG İnşaat - Gaziantep


Mezunlarımızın Lisansüstü Eğitime Devam Ettiği Kurumlar

Akdeniz Üniversitesi - İnşaat Mühendisliği - Yapı Mühendisliği

Akdeniz Üniversitesi - İşletme

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi - İşletme

Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniveristesi - İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi - Yapı Malzemeleri

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi - İnşaat Mühendisliği Yönetimi

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi - Kandilli Rasathanesi Deprem Mühendisliği

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi - Yapı Mühendisliği

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi - Yapım Mühendisliği ve Yönetimi

Bologna Varşova Ekonomi ve Beşeri Bilimler Üniversitesi

Brunel University- London International Business 

Budapest University of Technology and Economics- Structural Engineering

Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi - İş Güvenliği

Çukurova Üniversitesi

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi - Finans

Duke University, Master of Management Studies, Fuqua School of Business, USA

Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi, Deprem ve Yapı Anabilim Dalı

Gedik Üniversitesi İSG

HULT International School of Business

İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi - Marketing Communication

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Deprem Mühendisliği

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Hidrolik Anabilim Dalı

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - İnşaat Projeleri Yönetimi

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Jeoloji Mühendisliği

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Mimarlık

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Yapı İşletmesi

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Yapı Mühendisliği 

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği

Karlsruhe Institut of Technology - İnşaat Mühendisliği - Yapı Mühendisliği

Kingston University - MSc in Construction Management - London, UK

London City University - MSc in Construction Management - London, UK

Maltepe Üniversitesi - İşletme

Marmara Üniversitesi - Pazarlama

MEF Üniversitesi - İnşaat Yönetimi

Mersin Üniversitesi - İnşaat Mühendisliği

Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar - Mimarlık

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi

Okan Üniversitesi - İşletme (MBA)

Oxford Brookes University - MSc Construction Project Management

Politecnico di Milano - Building and Architectural Engineering

Politecnico di Milano - Master in Business Analytics and Big Data

Regent's University - Londra

Robert Gordon University

Rumeli Üniversitesi - İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği

Rutgers Üniversitesi - ABD

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi - İktisat

Uludağ Ünviversitesi - Yapı Mekaniği

Varşova Teknik Üniversitesi - İnşaat Yapıları

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - Yapı Mühendisliği

Yeditepe Üniversitesi - İnşaat Mühendisliği

Yeditepe Üniversitesi - İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği

Yeditepe Üniversitesi - İşletme (MBA)

Yeditepe Üniversitesi - Mimarlık

Yeditepe Üniversitesi - Veri Bilimi

Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi - Kıyı ve Liman Mühendisliği

Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi - Yapı Anabilim Dalı

Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi - Yapı İşletmesi

Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi - İnşaat Mühendisliğ

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Historical decision on historical bridges


Head of Department's Message

Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür Köylüoğlu


Civil Engineering, being one of the oldest engineering disciplines, has an important role of contributing to the safe, sustainable and urban living of mankind. Today, a considerable number of our young people select this profession with an ambition to push the borders, to generate tomorrow’s world and at the same time to increase their own standard of living to higher levels.
The Civil Engineering Department is well aware that, high quality education and strong research programme are the two essential factors that make a well established institution. The Department’s vision is to graduate both nationally and internationally well recognized engineers and to provide service to Civil Engineering profession along with public benefit. To this aim, we define our Department’s mission as “to prepare the students as responsible, open minded, theoretically and practically well equipped, creative, ethical, sociable, team player individuals that are concerned about the public benefits, so that they can contribute to their profession”.
During their four-years study the students gain knowledge on engineering sciences and fundamental knowledge on each of the civil engineering disciplines, including structural engineering, geotechnics, transportation, hydraulics, construction materials, environmental engineering and construction management. The elective courses in the curriculum provide the students the opportunity to broaden their knowledge on their interest area. They also have the opportunity to get acquaintance with the real work environment early in their educational life, by means of the two practical internships they complete during their study.
As prospective civil engineers, while gaining skills on computers, foreign language, engineering sciences and professional knowledge, our students also participate in various activities, such as career days and conferences, which improve their abilities and talents in various areas including, ability to work in teams, to being creative, to design, to be successful in business and social life, and to acquire lifelong learning skills. Our Department, with close ties to construction sector and NGO’s, also organizes activities involving engineering practice such as construction site visits and sectorial exhibitions, organizes collaborative international symposiums and conferences, provide opportunities to the students to join student club activities and student competitions.
Turkish construction sector has important contributions to the national economy and is among the highest rank in the world business. The graduates of our Civil Engineering Department, equipped with education in English, can work in national or foreign companies that operate in our country or abroad; or can start up their own private business enterprise or pursue an academic career. Many public institutions, municipalities or their affiliates are in a continuous need of civil engineers. Besides the fact that Civil Engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines, the need for Civil Engineers has never declined and the business opportunities in diverse areas are almost infinite.


Students of Civil Engineering Department will benefit from Topography, Soil Mechanics and Construction Materials Laboratories as well as Computer, Drawing and Fluid Mechanics Laboratories at the Faculty. Experiments and applications are provided in these laboratories with modern equipments.

In Memory of Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardımcı Tiryakioğlu

One of the founders and former head of the Yeditepe University Civil Engineering Department, previous president of the Turkish Structural Steel Association and the European Structural Steel Association (ECCS), ECCS Silver Medal and Charles Massonnet Science Award winner, the first female board member and the first female chairman of ECCS and has served as the chairman twice with an interval of five years, one of the most prominent scientists in the field of construction and steel in Turkey, Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardımcı Tiryakioğlu, passed away on 18.11.2022. May Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardımcı Tiryakioğlu rest in peace. We wish patience and condolences to her family, friends and students.


Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardımcı Tiryakioğlu

Following her graduation from Erenköy Primary School and Erenköy High School, Nesrin YARDIMCI TİRYAKİOĞLU pursued her education in İstanbul Technical University at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and graduated with Master’s degree in Civil Engineering. She held several positions as a Senior Civil Engineer at Profilo Holding and at General Directorate of State Hydraulic Work between 1966 and 1972. She then joined İstanbul Technical University in January 1972 to carry out her academic career and obtained her PhD in March 1980. She was appointed Assistant Professor in March 1984, Associate Professor in October 1990 and Professor in April 1996.

Prof. Yardımcı, did not only serve as a lecturer at İstanbul Technical University between 1972 and 2008, but also was the Member of the Board at Civil Engineering Faculty between 1995 and 1996 and also between 1998 and 2007. She was the Directorate of Culture and Art Association between 1999 and 2002. She was also the group Coordinator of the Timber and Steel Structures between 2000 and 2007 and Graduate Program Coordinator between 2002 and 2007.  Between 2001 and 2007, she represented Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Senate of İstanbul Technical University. Since September 2008, she has been serving as a Full Professor and since 2012 also as a Chair at Civil Engineering Department, at the Faculty of Engineering at Yeditepe University. She was the Member of the Board at the Faculty between 2011 and 2014 and she represented Faculty of Engineering at the Senate of Yeditepe University between 2015 and 2018.

She was elected as the President of the Board of Directors at Turkish Structural Steelwork Association between 2001 and 2016 and represented Turkey in the Board of Directors at the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS) between 2001 and 2018. She was also elected as Vice President between 2008-2009 and President between 2009- 2010 and 2014-2015 at ECCS.  Prof. Yardımcı is the first female member of the Board of Directors and is the first female President of ECCS, which was founded in 1955.

Prof. Yardımcı taught both undergraduate and graduate students at İstanbul Technical University, and during this time she was also appointed to teach at İstanbul, Sakarya and Marmara Universities from time to time. She is still teaching at Yeditepe University Civil Engineering department. She has had 11 English 17 Turkish journal papers, 24 international and 16 national conference papers. She also published 5 research projects, 3 books in Turkish and she is the editor of 2 international symposium books. She has supervised 30 Master and 5 PhD theses and she has been the jury member of 71 Master and 16 PhD theses.

Prof. Yardımcı has organised three symposiums for ECCS. Namely “International Symposium on Steel Structures 2010: Culture & Sustainability”, “8th International Symposium on Steel Bridges 2015: Innovation & New Challenges” and “International Symposium on Corrosion and Surface Protection for Steel (CASP 2019)”.

She worked together with groups made up of İstanbul Technical University’s professionals for ascertainment of damage, repair and retrofitting studies following various earthquakes in earthquake zones in Turkey and she completed various projects auditing and supervising studies.

After her presentations and contacts in ECCS about the earthquakes in Turkey, she has completed a steel building project for a school which was heavily damaged in 1999 earthquake in Kocaeli together with national and international supporters.

When she was the president of TUCSA, she has initiated works to convince the relevant governmental bodies to publish Regulation for Design, Engineering and Execution of Steel Structures starting from December 2006. She has also initiated establishment of TUCSA Academy to organise courses on constructional steelwork for engineers and architects. She is the chairperson of the TUCSA Academic Board.

She was awarded with success in profession prize on 21 April 2010 “for her contribution to Turkish Structural Steelwork Association and for being the president of ECCS” by Tuzla Rotary Club and was honoured with ECCS Silver Medal on 18 September 2015 “in recognition for her outstanding commitment to ECCS”. She was selected by Erenköy High School Associationon as “one of the 102 Erenköy High School graduates who added so much to science, arts and culture on the 102. Anniversary of the school” on 5 October 2019. She was nominated by ECCS Scientific Jury to receive “2019 Charles Massonnet Award” “for the work she has achieved among ECCS Technical and Executive Boards as an active member and the role ECCS President as twice” and approved on 16 April 2019 by ECCS Executive Board Members.



Department History

Our Department of Civil Engineering has been founded on 26.03.2008 as a department of the Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Yeditepe University, which has been officially founded by Istanbul Education and Culture Foundation at 07.06.1996 by the law numbered 4142.

Admission of undergraduate students and hence undergraduate education has began in 2008-2009 Fall Semester. Soil Mechanics and Construction Materials Laboratories have been deployed and become operational in 2010. Double Major programmes are also established in 2010.

Following the separation of Architecture Department, the faculty has been renamed as Faculty of Engineering in 26.08.2014. The graduate programme in Civil Engineering has been approved on 15.09.2015.

As of 2018-2019 academic year, the department’s full-time academic staff of the department consists of 2 Professors, 6 Assistant Professors, 1 Instructor, Ph.D., 1 Research Assistant and 1 Professor from the Materials Science and Nanotechnology Department. Besides the full-time staff, further academicians are also participating in teaching acvities, employed in different universities such as ITU and YTU. The assisting staff consists of 8 graduate scholars and a laboratory technician.

The Civil Engineering Department was founded in 2008 with 45 admitted students, and first group of  students were graduated in 2012. As of 2018-19 Academic Year, the Department had 93 students attending the English preparatory school, 467 students in the undergraduate studies and 13 graduate students. 34 students were graduated at the Fall and 57 students were graduated at the Spring semester of the 2018-2019 Academic Year, totalling 91 students this year. Since its foundation the Department has graduated 367 students.

What is Civil Engineering Department?

Today, the construction industry progresses at an incredible pace. In this context, new buildings and projects are seen around every day. In such an industry that is advancing at an unstoppable pace, there is a natural need for engineer brains to carry out engineering activities in the field of construction. In this context, Civil Engineering Departments were established to meet the needs of civil engineers. In these departments, where 4-year undergraduate education is given, courses focused on mathematics, physics and materials technology are given. Students are provided with training on the design, analysis, construction and maintenance of structural places such as dams, ports, roads and buildings, and in this context, they are provided with the necessary equipment. Civil Engineering Department also aims to raise productive and creative individuals who develop optimum solutions to physical events. After 4 years of undergraduate education, graduates of the department have the title of Civil Engineer. The persons in question have the authority to sign under the construction projects. In other words, a building cannot be designed without a civil engineer, and naturally it cannot be built.

Civil Engineering Base Points and Ranking













Mühendislik Fakültesi

İnşaat Mühendisliği Lisans Programı













Mühendislik Fakültesi

İnşaat Mühendisliği Lisans Programı

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Mühendislik Fakültesi

İnşaat Mühendisliği Lisans Programı

Tam Burslu









Mühendislik Fakültesi İnşaat Mühendisliği Lisans Programı



408,23801 408,23801 --- --- 1 1 100 0

Civil Engineering Department Fees and Prices

You can check this page for the current academic year tuition fees of Yeditepe University Civil Engineering Department.

Civil Engineering Scholarship Opportunities

Yeditepe University offers different scholarship opportunities for its students. You can get detailed information about scholarship opportunities by reviewing the Civil Engineering Scholarship Opportunities page. From here, you can click on the relevant page and see the departments and scholarship opportunities.

Vision Mission and Educational Objectives

Our Mission
Our mission is to train engineers who are well-equipped in theoretical and applied fields, who are creative, have ethical values, are responsible, have strong social relations, can work in teams, and have the ability to adapt to national and international environments; To serve the current needs of society and the development of the profession.

Our Vision
Our vision is to conduct research at national and international level, preferred by successful undergraduate and graduate students, graduates of which are successful in practice and research institutions at home and abroad; To be a department that can produce positive contributions to science, industry and humanity.

Our aims as Yeditepe University Civil Engineering Department
Our graduates;
1- They can work in the fields of design, implementation and project management in multinational business environments.
2- They rise to a decision-making position in national and international organizations, they can become managers.
3- They can contribute to the production of scientific studies at national and international level.


By the decision of the Rectorate, voluntary internship insurance will only be covered for up to 4 months during the summer period. Every student has the right to do a voluntary internship once a year.


Definition and Purpose of Summer Practice


Summer practices complement and continue vocational education, besides the professional knowledge acquired at university, and are carried out in an active company or institution. The main purpose of the summer practice is to gain new practical and technical skills related to the profession, get to know business life and learn to communicate effectively with other disciplines and managers.

Nowadays, an engineer is expected to work harmoniously and efficiently, not only in his/her own field, but also near all other relevant units according to his/her degree of interest. Internship is a work experience that helps meet these needs and is an inevitable opportunity to learn the intricacies of business life without taking serious responsibility. The summer practice process can also be described as one of the opening doors to the domestic and international construction world, considering the interaction with the institution you work for. In these respects, we recommend that internship studies be carried out seriously and with due care.

Summer Practices at Yeditepe University Civil Engineering Department consist of two stages: Construction Site Internship (CE 300), which must be done at the end of the 2nd year, and Office/Bureau Internship (CE 400), which must be done at the end of the 3rd year.



  1. For Summer Practices, the Internship Application Form (SBF) in the documents section must be filled out completely by the student and the institution/company where the internship will be carried out, and the relevant fields must be signed and stamped. Then, the internship application form and other necessary documents (identity card photocopy, passport photo, health provision information sheet, transcript) are approved by the internship coordinator and all documents, the signature process of which is completed, are delivered by hand to the department secretariat by the student.
  2. If a letter is requested from the institution/company where the internship will be carried out stating that the student has a compulsory internship, the student will apply to the department via e-mail obtain the letter from the Department Secretariat.
  3. If the student submits the Internship Application Form (SBF) and other required documents completely, the application will be processed and insurance will be entered through Human Resources. In order to avoid disruption of the process, the SBF must be submitted to the Department Secretariat at least 14 days before the summer practice start date.



(It was accepted by the Department Committee dated 06.07.2020 and numbered 14/2020.)


Definition and Content of Summer Practices

1. The compulsory summer practices of the Department of Civil Engineering consist of two separate compulsory practice: CE 300 Summer Practice I (Construction Site Internship), which must be done at the end of the 2nd year, and CE 400 Summer Practice II (Office Internship), which must be done at the end of the 3rd year. In order to be eligible for graduation, Civil Engineering Department students must have completed both Summer Practices and passed the relevant courses.

2. CE 300 Construction Site Internship aims to provide the student with basic construction works/manufacturing information at a construction site where construction is ongoing. Production stages, processes and progress payment studies are evaluated within the scope of the construction site internship.

3. CE 400 Office internship aims to increase the student's knowledge and experience regarding projects and related office work. The works carried out in the office internship may be examples of basic design knowledge such as static and structural analysis and design, geotechnical calculations, earthquake calculations, hydraulic calculations. In addition, administrative and financial/legal studies such as project planning, project management, survey-quantity work, tender dossier preparation may also be included in the internship content.

4. Long-Term Internship: According to YÜMFSUE Article 4/f, Long-Term Internship is defined as "It covers work experience internships that continue throughout the entire education period, starting after the 6th semester, provided that a cooperation agreement has been signed between our university and the institution where the internship will take place." A long-term internship can be considered as a voluntary internship or, if it meets the conditions for compulsory internships and is requested by the student, it can be accepted as a compulsory internship with the approval of the department internship coordinator and the decision of the Department Committee. YÜMFSUE Article 7: Long-term internship can be considered as/instead of compulsory internship if the student meets the Departmental internship criteria and with the approval of the Department Committee. Long-Term Internship in the Department of Civil Engineering is carried out only in accordance with the content of CE 400 Summer Practice II (Office Internship); Long-term internships cannot be performed for CE 300 Summer Practice I (Construction Site Internship).

5. ERASMUS Internships: As stated in Article 9 of YÜMFSUE, if students want to do an Erasmus internship in schools, universities and businesses abroad that they find with their own means and approved by their departments, they complete the necessary documents and apply after our university International Office announces the internship application date and take a language exam. Afterwards, students entitled to an Erasmus internship grant fill out their acceptance letter, application form and contracts, then submit them to the office by the date determined by The University's International Office. The Erasmus Internship is implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Handbook on Student and Staff Mobility in Higher Education Among ERASMUS+1 Program Countries, prepared by the European Union Education and Youth Programs Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye for higher education institutions that carry out mobility activities within the scope of the contract period of the relevant year.


Staj Önkoşulları

6. In order to apply for the CE 300 Summer Practice I (Construction Site Internship), students must have completed a minimum of 50 credits of courses.

7. In order to apply for the CE 400 Summer Practice II (Office Internship) iand Long-Term Internship, students must have completed a minimum of 100 credits of courses.


Summer Practice Duration

8. The duration for both compulsory summer practices is minimum 20 working days. The specified 20 working days must be spent uninterruptedly in the same institution/company. If you work on Saturdays, a week counts as 6 working days. Sundays are not considered working days. Public holidays, religious holidays and other special days are not considered as practice days.

9. “YUMFSUE Article 7/c: Students who will do long-term internships can do internships at the workplace or institution for a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 45 working days.” and “YUMFSUE Article 9: Long-term internship applications are carried out in accordance with the conditions specified in the Department Internship Rules.” Depending on the principle, the Long-Term Internship period is determined as a minimum 30 working days in the Department of Civil Engineering, regardless of whether it is compulsory or voluntary, provided that other conditions are met.


Summer Practice Periods

10. Since students will be compulsorily insured during the internship, they cannot be both insured and students in accordance with the relevant legislation. For this reason, the student cannot take courses while doing a summer practice and work days of internships cannot extend into the semester. Therefore, compulsory Summer practices can be performed only in Summer Term.

11. When the academic calendar is arranged to consist of 20 working days between the Fall and Spring Semesters, excluding the Final Exam Weeks, students can complete their compulsory internship between the Fall and Spring semesters, with the knowledge and approval of the Department Internship Coordinator, provided that they do not participate in any student activities that will interrupt the 20 working days, including Resit  Exams. Whether an internship will be held during this period and other relevant rules are announced by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.

12. If courses are taken in summer semester, internship cannot be done during course weeks. Students taking courses in the summer semester can only start their internship within the summer final dates, provided that they declare that they can obtain permission to take the final exam from the institution / company where they interned after the end of the summer school courses.

13. Students who are about to graduate and who do not have to attend classes can apply to the internship coordinator with a petition stating their status (approved by your advisor). In this case, in accordance with Article 7 of YUMFSUE, "Students who are at the graduation stage and do not have to attend classes can do compulsory summer practices during the fall / Spring semester period."

14. During long-term internships, the Department of Civil Engineering requires office/bureau attendance at least 2 days a week. It is the student's responsibility to organize the course schedule to meet this condition, and for this purpose, the Civil Engineering department course schedule is arranged to leave at least one free day in the 7th and 8th semesters.


Institutes / Companies for Summer Practices

15. Students find and apply for internship places using their own means. However, quota requests from various companies are announced to students on the internship page of the department website and/or on the department board. University Career Development and Alumni Communication Office also provides support in finding an internship place. Most large enterprises have information about internships in the Human Resources section of their websites, and applications can usually be made online. Compulsory internships can be done in domestic public institutions, domestic and foreign private enterprises, companies and universities, provided that the necessary conditions are met. Internships planned to be held abroad are also recommended as they will contribute to the student's development of his/her foreign language and getting to know other cultures and country technologies. Special internship programs are organized at some universities abroad and it is recommended to follow these programs. Additionally, our university has an international intern exchange program (IAESTE) and information can be obtained from the International Office.

16. At least one Civil Engineer is required to work at the internship site, and the student must fulfill his/her internship under the consultancy and training of a Civil Engineer.

17. Workplaces suitable for CE 300 Construction Site Internship are places where on-site construction, material production or precast production is carried out, such as construction sites, concrete plants, building material workshops and steel construction workshops, or building inspection institutions and companies, provided that they are actually on site for inspection purposes.

18. CE 400 Office Internship is accomplished in project offices, relevant government and municipal offices. Work performed in the construction site technical office is not considered as Office Internship.


Insurance processes

19. It is mandatory for the student to be insured during the summer practices. Summer practice without insurance is not accepted. The university covers the student's insurance and related expenses during the internship.

20. Insurance entries are made through the Dean's Office and Human Resources (HR) after the student at the Internship Notification stage submits the above-mentioned documents in full to the Civil Engineering Department Secretariat. For the insurance to start on time, the Internship Application Form and other relevant documents must be submitted to the Civil Engineering Department Secretariat at least 14 days before the internship start date; Documents with a processing time of less than 14 days will not be processed. Retroactive insurance transactions cannot be made after starting the internship.

21. Voluntary internships executed at the initiative of the student without being insured by the university cannot be considered as compulsory internship.


Starting a Summer Practice

22. Before starting the summer practice, the student will receive the Employment Notification document from Human Resources and submit it to the institution/company where he/she will do the internship. Employment Notification can also be obtained via E-Government system (www.turkiye.gov.tr).

23. During the summer practice, the student will be under the supervision of the workplace internship manager responsible for him/her.

24. The student is obliged to prepare an internship diary regarding the completed internship work and the content of the diary will be inspected and approved by the workplace internship manager.

25. The Intern Evaluation Form will be filled out by the workplace internship manager at the end of the summer practice and will be delivered to the student by hand in a closed and sealed envelope.


Evaluation of Internship

26. The student register the CE 300 (Construction Site Internship) or CE 400 (Office Internship) course to which the internship belongs in the academic term following the summer semester in which the student does the internship.

27. Internship Diary: Preparation of an internship diary is mandatory. The work done during the internship should be written for each day. The internship diary should be prepared in English and on the computer following the technical report writing principles; handwritten diaries are not accepted. Internship diaries should be no shorter than 20 pages and no longer than 70 pages. The narrative in the report must belong entirely to the student. Internship diary must be written daily and completed at the end of the summer practice. Other rules regarding writing an internship diary are stated in the Internship Report Guide.

28. Internship diaries must be submitted within 1 month after the start of the semester. The deadline for submitting reports is also announced to students through the OBS system and announcements. If the diaries are not submitted by the specified deadline, the internship will be considered invalid. Each page of the internship diary must be sealed and signed by the company where the summer practice took place.

29. Intern Evaluation Form: "Intern Evaluation Form" must be filled out by the workplace internship manager at the end of the internship and given to you in a closed and sealed form. This form, given by the institute/company in a sealed envelope, should never be opened. Evaluation forms brought to the department in an open envelope or determined to have been opened before will not be processed. The summer practice of the student who does not have an "Intern Evaluation Form" or whose evaluation form is not accepted will be deemed invalid.

30. In order for the internship to be evaluated, the following documents must be submitted to the Civil Engineering Department Secretariat upon signature:

  1. A printed hardcopy with paperback or spiral-bound original version of the Internship diary with photo, approved by the place of employment.
  2. Electronic copy of the internship diary transferred to CD
  3. Intern evaluation form (Filled out by the internship manager)
  4. Workplace evaluation form (filled out by the student)


31. Summer practice is an important course with ECTS credit which is student is evaluated as "successful" (P-Pass) or "failed" (F-Fail) grade which by the Department Internship Coordinator.




Internship Coordinator




Writing and Approval of Internship Diary

While filling out the internship diary;

  1. The limits of the information that should be included in the diary will be determined by the internship you will do.
  2. You can write down about processes and job descriptions in general, based on your observations (you do not need to have performed the job personally).
  3. The internship diary will be written with MSWord or a similar writing program and will be delivered as a spiral bound. Handwritten internship diaries or internship notebooks bound using different methods/delivered in folders-files are not accepted.
  4. The internship diary will be written in English. However, you can express the terms that you have difficulty finding the equivalent in Turkish with explanations. Printouts can be pasted where necessary.
  5. In addition to the internship diaries, the Intern Evaluation Form, which can be downloaded from the link below, will be delivered together with the diary in a closed envelope, signed and stamped by the institution/company where the internship is performed. Internship diaries of students whose Intern Evaluation Form is missing will not be accepted.




1. Internship Application Form (SBF)

2. Internship Diary

3. Intern Evaluation Form (SDF)

4. Company Evaluation Form (İDF)

5. Government Contribution Form(DKF)


Companies-Institutions Where Students Have Interned So Far

Student Exchange Programs

Yeditepe Students

Students who have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.20 and above, who have completed at least one academic semester at Yeditepe University and who will continue at Yeditepe University for at least one more semester to graduate when they return, wish to continue their education abroad for a semester with Erasmus or exchange programs. can apply for.

Erasmus agreements are an agreement between departments. Exchange agreements are made throughout the university and are limited to quotas announced by the international office. You can get information about the schools we have agreements with from the Erasmus/Exchange coordinator of the department. Application dates for each semester are announced by the International Office and are also announced in our department. Students who will apply must have an e-mail address with a Yeditepe extension. Applications are made online. Click for detailed information and application.

Then, you need to submit the printout of the form you created in the system, together with 1 photo, a photocopy of your ID and your transcript, to the Erasmus/Exchange Coordinator of your department.

You must take the language test shortly after your application. The exam date is announced by the International office, you need to follow it. Students who score at least 60 in the language exam are taken to the oral exam on a date determined by the Erasmus/Exchange coordinator of the department. Your status is determined according to your success score and the quota of the school you want to go to. After that, you can access all the forms you need to fill out and the procedures you need to do on the international office's page.

The financial situation of the student who goes abroad for a semester with any exchange program remains the same at the University. Students who go with Erasmus are also provided with some financial support under the name of grant. The amount of this is announced by the International office. Students may waive financial support if they wish.

Below are listed the universities that our department has contracted with within the scope of ERASMUS as of 2016-2017. Negotiations for new agreements continue. In addition, new agreements can be made with the demands and initiatives of the students.

ERASMUS Coordinator

  Almıla Uzel

ERASMUS Contracted Universities







RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY (D AACHEN01)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   



Yeditepe University Civil Engineering applies an effective Bologna Process to its students during their education. The aim of Bologna Drive is to standardize the non-standard practices that have occurred between the elite universities of Europe and our department. In this process, the student continues his education life in a more equipped way.

Double Major & Minor Program

Double Major

The double major program (DMP) allows students enrolled in an undergraduate program to obtain a second bachelor's degree from another department if they meet certain requirements. Thus, the students who have successfully completed the DMP can have a diploma from both the main department and the second major department. The conditions required for admission to the program, to continue and to receive the second degree are specified in the regulation.

In order to graduate from a second major program, a student admitted to the Double Major Program must successfully complete all courses in this program. However, since there are common courses and equivalent courses between the departments, it is sufficient for the student to take the difference courses determined by the faculties and departments from the second major program. The follow-up of the difference courses is carried out by an advisor appointed by the department where the second major program is held. The list of the departments that can be done with the Civil Engineering Department and the programs that the students of these departments have to follow (programs can be downloaded by clicking on the links) are given below.

NOTE: Civil Engineering Department students who want to do a double major in another department can obtain the necessary information about the double major program from the department they apply.


The minor program allows students enrolled in an undergraduate program to complete a group of courses from another department if they meet certain requirements, allowing them to become knowledgeable in this field and to receive a certificate of this department. The conditions for admission to the program, to continue and to receive a certificate are specified in the regulation. The courses to be taken by the students from other departments in the Civil Engineering Department minor program and the amount of credits to be completed are given in the link below.

Minor Program


Double Major and Minor Program Coordinator

Eren Vuran


Double Major Course Programs

Computer Engineering

Biomedical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Industrial and Systems Engineering



Mechanical Engineering

From Our Students

Rabia Doymaz
Graduate of 2016

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