Course Language:
Courses given by:
Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to provide students with a knowledge of the structure and characteristics of different types of materials and abilities for materials selection and design with special emphasis in chemical and biological applications and economic, environmental, and societal issues in materials science and engineering.
Course Content:
Classification of materials and properties. Atomic structure and interatomic bonding, the structure of crystalline solids, ceramics, bioceramics, bioglass and glass ceramics, polymers. Hydrojels, advanced materials used for biological applications, composites. Materials selection and design considerations. Economic, environmental and societal issues in materials science and engineering. Term project.
Course Methodology:
1: Lecture by instructor, 2: Lecture by instructor with class discussion, 3: Problem solving by instructor, 4: Use of simulations, 5: Problem solving assignment, 6: Reading assignment, 7: Laboratory work, 8: Term research paper, 9: Presentation by guest s
Course Evaluation Methods:
A: Written exam, B: Multiple-choice exam C: Take-home quiz, D: Experiment report, E: Homework, F: Project, G: Presentation by student, H: …