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Thursday, 4 June, 2020 - 16:18
CE 492 - Engineering Project presentations will take place on 19 June 2020, in accordance with the attached programme on Google Meet. Meeting ID for each presentation session is as shown at the session heading. You can access the session program from the link below.   CE492...
Thursday, 4 June, 2020 - 15:57
Dear Students,   With respect to ongoing health risks caused by COVID '19 pandemic, following Internship Regulations have been accepted for application by the Civil Engineering Department during 2020 Summer Semester.   1. Students graduating at the end of 2020 Spring...
Friday, 10 April, 2020 - 15:31
  Withdrawal dates have been extended until April 17.
Tuesday, 11 February, 2020 - 16:44
You can access CE492-Engineering Project course project groups by clicking the link. CE492 Project Groups 2019-2020 Spring
Monday, 10 February, 2020 - 10:47
You can access CE492-Engineering Project course project lists by clicking the link. CE492 Project Lists 2019-2020 Spring
Tuesday, 15 October, 2019 - 12:06
European Convention for Constructional Steelwork-ECCS has delivered the 2019 Charles Massonnet Award to Prof. Dr. Nesrin Yardımcı, head of the civil engineering department of the Yeditepe University, in recognition of  her contributions to the advancement of scientific works and her technical...
Thursday, 12 September, 2019 - 12:27
A research paper containing the studies that carried out within the scope of CE492-Engineering Project course, under the supervision of Doctor Lecturer Börte KÖSE MUTLU, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Climate Change and Environment. We congratulate our students, Zekeriya Ozan...
Friday, 12 July, 2019 - 12:06
CURRICULUM CHANGE – AS OF 2019-20 ACADEMIC YEAR Our curriculum is subjected to continual changes in accordance with the changing dynamics of the construction industry. Since the profession has many specialty areas, we belive in the necessity of providing the students with the opportunity to...
