• Türkçe
  • English

Dear Yeditepe University Students, As Acrome Robotics, we would like to give you good news during these difficult days for our health. ​We are happy and excited to present Riders.ai robotic simulation and competition environment which, we have developed for a while, also which is Turkey's first online platform for robotics competition, to the students for the first time.

What is Riders Arena?

In this competition environment that we call Riders Arena, the first competition that high school and university students will compete will be in the Line Tracking Robot category. The competition, which will begin the preliminary preparation process on April 25, will have preliminary on May 2 and the final will take place on May 16. In our contest, there is a total of reward of 9,000 TL including 5,000 TL reward to the first place.

We wanted to announce this competition, which we organized for high school and university students, to our esteemed students. While our students stay at home, they both meet a platform where they can improve themselves and win prizes by competing.

We are happy to see all your students who are interested in robotics in our competition. If you have any questions or would like more information about our Riders.ai platform, we would love to contact you.

Regards, Acrome Team

You can find all the details about the competition here.