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Our curriculum is subjected to continual changes in accordance with the changing dynamics of the construction industry. Since the profession has many specialty areas, we belive in the necessity of providing the students with the opportunity to focus on a specialty of their interest and flexibility of selection from other complementary disciplines. We also recognize that, the variety of skills that will be needed in the student’s professional life –at office, site, or management jobs- after graduation will be different, and hence should be designed and selected by the students so that they can match these skills with their future vision that they design for themselves. With this motivation, some of our compulsory courses has been changed to restricted elective courses each being a different Pool of Restricted Elective Courses consisting of courses on a certain specialty area, among which the students may choose one course within that context. We aim to facilitate our new generation students to directly focus on the knowledge base and skills required by the construction industry while mentoring them through the academic advising system, in line with the on-going discussions in the academic world about the engineering education.

Our new Curriculum has been approved by the Yeditepe Üniversity Senate on 30.05.2019 and will be applied as of 2019-20 academic year. The following information summarizes the changes in our new Curriculum:

  • CE 161 – Computer Aided Technical Drawing is changed ot RE XX1 – Restricted Elective I (Technical Drawing Pool) that are provided by various departments;
  • ES 117 – Introduction to Scientific Computing is changed to RE XX2 – Restricted Elective II (Computing Skills Pool) that are provided by various departments;
  • ECON 294 – Economics for Engineers is changed to RE XX3 – Restricted Elective III (Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance Pool) that are provided by various departments;
  • AFE 132 – Academic English II is subtracted from the Curriculum and replaced as a third FE XX3 – Free Elective;
  • Department Elective Courses has been categorized in five different pools of electives with respect to the specialty areas of the courses (RE XX4 – Restricted Elective IV to RE XX8 – Restricted Elective VIII);
  • CE 233 – Engineering Mechanics including the Statics ve Dynamics as a 5-hours is split into two courses; CE 231- Engineering Mechanics I: Statics (4 hours) and CE 232- Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics (3 hours), as it was so in our past Curriculums, to ease the academic transfer of these courses from and to other universities;
  • CE 363 – Earth Sciences is added to the Curriculum as a new course in order to strengthen the basic sciences content of our Curriculum to the level required by the accreditation systems;
  • Some courses has been shifted to other academic terms and some new elective courses are provided.

Consequently, our new Curriculum is formed with one additional course and one credit increase with respect to the former Curriculum to for a stronger and adaptable to the students’ personal design.