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  • English

Dear graduate candidates for Fall 2024, please complete the online application form given in the following link:


according to your preferences for the CHBE 492 – Engineering Project topics listed below.

You have to use your student mail account (...@std.yeditepe.edu.tr) in order to fill the selection form.

Applications will be accepted until October 4, 6:00 pm.


1. The Development and Potential Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Applications (Literature Survey, 1 Student). Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Cem Levent Altan

2. Generation of Multifunctional Organocatalyst Libraries (Computational, 1 Student). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nihan Celebi (scholarship available for students satisfying TUBITAK’s acceptance criteria: cGPA>2.5)

3. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (Experimental + Literature Survey, 1 student). Supervisor: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Levent Organ. The student will learn about the electrochemical and mathematical concepts related to the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. They will learn about the EIS and apply it in the laboratory. Whenever possible, the results will be compared to those reported in the literature.

4. Metastable Pitting Corrosion (Literature Survey, 1 student). Supervisor: Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Levent Organ. Stable pitting is a form of localized corrosion commonly encountered in the chemical process industry. Metastable pitting are electrochemical events that are seen before the formation of stable pits. These events are believed to be precursors for the formation of stable pits. The student will need to learn about electrochemistry related to corrosion.

5. Extractive Distillation for Biogas Upgrading (Computational, 1 student). Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Betül Ünlüsü.

6. Novel Solvents in Absorption Refrigeration Technology (Literature Survey, 1 student). Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Betül Ünlüsü.

7. Use of Machine Learning in CO2 Capture (Literature and Computational, 2 students). Supervisor: Prof. Tuğba Davran Candan.

8. Metal Organic Frameworks / Their Synthesis and Aplications in Targeted Drug Delivery and Antimicrobial Treatments (Literature Survey, 1 student). Supervisor: Asisst. Prof. Semin Funda Oğuz.

9. Synthesis of Amine-Functionalized Metal Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture. (Experimental and Literature Survey, 1 student) Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Hamed Yousefzadeh.

10. CO2 based Polymers: Synthesis, Applications and their place in Sustainable Polymer Industry  (Literature Survey, 1 student)  This study will involve a literature survey and  analysis on different classes of CO2 based polymers and their place in sustainable polymer industry. Supervisor: Prof. Erde Can Şafak