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  • English

Supporting Organizations and Societies:

TUBITAK, FP6/FP7/Horizon2020, San-Tez, BOREN, COST, ARIMnet, ERAnet, ICGEB, BAGEP, national development agencies and scientific associations, ministry offices, municipalities, The Suna & Inan Kirac Foundation.Loreal, FABED, MD Anderson Cancer Center @ Univ of Texas, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, METU Biomaten, Bogazici University Chemistry.

Overall Productivity Numbers for Department

PROJECTS Ongoing Accomplished
International 8 14
National 35 107
PATENTS Submitted Accepted
International 141 44
National 2 2


  1. Rhizobacteria for reduced fertiliser input in wheat.( 01.01.2006-01.12.2010) FP6-2005-FOOD-4-B STP Specific Targeted Project (48 ay). 2M Euro.
  2. Çamaşır makinelerinde daha az deterjan ve enerji kullanarak hijyenik yıkama yapan yöntemlerin geliştirilmesi. (Şubat 2009- Şubat 2012), T.C. Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı- SANTEZ 00337.SNT.2008-2. (1.170.000 TL).
  3. Sivrisinek Mücadelesinde Yeni Mikrobiyal Formülasyonların Geliştirilmesi ve Endüstriyel Üretimi  (Temmuz 2010- Temmuz 2013), T.C. Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı- SANTEZ 00---.SNT.2010-1. (980.000 TL).
  4.  Bor nitrür ve hidroksiaratit’in kemik kırık iyileştirmesindeki rolü (15.12.2012-15.12.2015). T.C. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı- TÜBİTAK 1003-Bor Teknolojileri Çağrı Programı, 112M495, 1.104.845TL.
  5. Kök hücre ve gen tedavi mükemmeliyet merkezi (01.12.2012-31.12.2013), T.C. İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı, İSKA/2012/BIL/164, 1.945.000 TL.
  6. Hijyenik Yetişkin/Hasta Bezi Geliştirilmesi ve Üretimi. (01.05.2014-01.05.2016), T.C. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı-SANTEZ 0042-STZ.2013-1, 989.000 TL
  7. P.Siraneci (Principal Investigator), G.G.Peközer, G.T.Köse (Advisor), Tooth Germ-Derived Stem Cells in Bone Tissue Engineering: Analysis of Osteo-odontogenic Potential, Tübitak 3501, 117S460, 2017-2020
  8. F.N.Kök (Principal Investigator), E.İ.Bektaş, G.G.Peközer, G.T.Köse (Researcher), Cartilage regeneration via small molecule induced rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells on natural biomaterials, TÜBİTAK 1001, 117M287, 2017-2020
  9. Hücresel Tedaviler ve Gen Tedavileri Araştırma, Geliştirme Mükemmeliyet Merkezi- Cellular and Gene Therapy Research and Development Center of Excellence, TURKISH MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT, 2016-2021
  10. G.Torun Köse (Principal Investigator), G.Gürel, T.Beyzadeoğlu, Bone tissue engineering application with the vasculogenesis inducing biphasic scaffold, TÜBİTAK 1001, 114S556, 2014-2017
  11. E.Can (Principal Investigator), G.Cemali, G.Torun Köse (Researcher), Vinil Fosfonik Asit (vpa) Ve Vinil Fosfonik Asid Di-etil Esteri (vpes) Bazli Kemik Doku Mühendisliği Malzemelerinin GeliştirilmesiTÜBİTAK 1001, 114M195, 2014-2017
  12. N.Hasırcı (Principal Investigator), G.Torun Köse (Researcher), T.Baran, E.Tönük, D.Yücel, T.Beyzadeoğlu, V.Hasırcı, Doku Mühendisliği Yöntemi Ile Hastaya Özel Ortopedik Implant Tasarimi Ve Üretimi, TÜBİTAK 1003, 213M708, 2014-2017, 638.100,00 TL
  13. D.Yücel (Principal Investigator), G.Torun Köse (Advisor), V.Hasırcı, Polimerik hücre taşıyıcıların topografisinin ve meningeal hücrelerin mezenkimal kök hücre farklılaşması üzerine etkileri, Tübitak 3501 Kariyer 113S870, 2014-2017
  14. F.N.Kök (Principal Investigator), K.Kazmanlı, G.Torun Köse (Researcher), M.Ürgen, The Growth of Magnesium Substituted Hydroxyapatite on (Ti,Mg)N Thin Films and Investigation of their Potential as Hard Tissue Implant Material, TÜBİTAK 1001 MAG 112M339, 2012-2014
  15. H.Çimenoğlu (Principal Investigator),  M.Baydoğan, N.G.Karagüler, G.Torun Köse (Advisor), Formation of a Bioactive, Antibacterial and Microporous Oxide Layer on Titanium and Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Purposes, TÜBİTAK 1001 111M517, 2012-2014
  16. T.Beyzadeoğlu (Principal Investigator), K.Yüksel, Ö.Karabıyık, F.Altıntaş, A.İvkoviç, C.H.Evans, R.M.Porter, G.Torun Köse (Researcher), Molecular investigation of the inhibition of bone formation after spongious allografting of the MSC isolated from bone and adipose tissues, TOTBİD (Association of Turkish Orthopedy and Traumatology ), 2011-2012
  17. M.Ramazanoğlu (Principal Investigator), K.A.Schlegel, G.Torun Köse (Researcher),  The Effect of a Biodegradable Polyethylenglycol-Gel (MX10™) on the Delivery and Osteogenic Differentiation of Autologous Tooth Germ Derived Stem Cells (TGSCs) in a Porcine Model, German ITI (International Team for Implantology) Research Grant, 2011-2013
  18. G.Torun Köse (Principal Investigator), M.Ramazanoğlu, O. Karabıyık, A.C.Çalıkoğlu, J.Svadobova, T. Sedlačik, V. Proks, H. Studenovska, Biodegradable polypeptide-based hydrogels for soft tissue regeneration, Tübitak Joint Research and Development Project, 2011-2013
  19. G.Torun Köse (Principal Investigator), A.C.Çalıkoğlu, Cartilage tissue engineering on PCL-PLLA scaffolds by using dental jerm stem cells, TÜBİTAK 1002, 2011-2012
  20. V.Hasırcı (Principal Investigator), G.Torun Köse (Researcher), K.Ulubayram, K.Şerbetçi, H.Kenar, D.Yücel, N.Hasırcı, Center of Excellence for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, State Planning Institute Project (DPT), 2010-2013
  21. M.Karahan (Principal Investigator), G.Torun Köse (Advisor), A.Işın Doğan Ekici, Y.M.Yeşim Ünlüçerçi,  “Diz ekleminin akut travmatik osteokondral defektlerinde intraartiküler askorbik asit enjeksiyonunun etkisi”, TÜBİTAK 1002, 2008-2008
  22. G.Torun Köse (Principal Investigator), S.Bucak, Muzaffer Değertekin, E.Can, ALVİMED, “İlaç Salan Biyobozunur Polimerik Stent Üretimi”, SAN-TEZ, 00155.STZ.2007-2, 2007-2010
  23. V.Hasırcı (Principal Investigator), G.Torun Köse (Researcher), N.Hasırcı, K.Ulubayram, K.Şerbetçi, H.Kenar, D.Yücel, “pH ve sıcaklığa duyarlı, akıllı  nanobiyomateryallerin kıkırdak doku mühendisliğinde kullanımı ve hücre bağlanma sürecinin nano düzeyde incelenmesi”, BAP– 01.08.DPT2003(06)K120920/20 , 2006-2008, 2005-2008
  24. V.Hasırcı (Principal Investigator), G.Torun Köse (Researcher), N.Hasırcı, K.Ulubayram, K.Şerbetçi,METUNANOBIOMAT- ODTÜ’de Nanobiyomateryal Araştırmaları Birimi Geliştirilmesi, TÜBİTAK- TBAG 105T508, 2005-2008
  25. Marie-Curie RTN-FP6 BioPolySurf (Project Director J.Carlos Rodriguez-Cabello, Spain) G.Torun Köse (Researcher), “Engineering advanced polymeric surfaces for smart systems in biomedicine, biology, material science and nanotechnology: A cross-disciplinary approach of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics”, 2004-2009
  26. EXPERTISSUES- FP6 European Commission CORDIS Framework Programme Project involving 13 European countries and 20 groups (Project Director R.Reis, Portugal) G.Torun Köse (Researcher), “Novel Therapeutic Strategies for Tissue Engineering of Bone and Cartilage Using Second Generation Biomimetic Scaffolds”, 2004-2009
  27. G.Torun Köse (Principal Investigator), V.Hasırcı, D.Yücel, H.Kenar, Study of the influence of micropatterned polymeric PHBV8-PLLA films on the growth and proliferation of neural tissues and molecular approaches in nerve tissue growth : in vitro neural  tissue engineering, TÜBİTAK-SBAG-2723, 2004-2006
  28. F.Korkusuz (Principal Investigator), G.Torun Köse (Researcher), A.Özkul, Y.Soysal, T.Özdemir, C.Yıldız, V.Hasırcı, Tissue engineered cartilage on collagen and PHBV matrices, TÜBİTAK-MİSAG-158, 2000-2002
  29. G.Torun Köse (Researcher), F.Korkusuz, V.Hasırcı (Principal Investigator), Bone tissue generation on biodegradable polymeric scaffolds, METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Project (Project number: AFP-2000-07-02-00-07), 1998-2002
  30. T.C. MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT GRANT Project “Cellular and Gene Therapies Research, Development and Production Center”, Researcher, 12.12.2016-12.12.2019.
  31. TÜBİTAK 1003 Project “Development of Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) (PEtOx) Based Multifunctional Carrier Systems for Treatment and Diagnosis of Prostate and Breast Cancer”, Work package leader, 15.07. 2014-15.01.2018.
  32. TÜBİTAK 1001 Project "Anti-tumor effects ABT-737 and RAD-001(Everolimus) combination chemotherapy on Renal Cell Carcinoma in a murine RenCA model”. Project leader, 15.10. 2014-15.10.2017.
  33. Marie-Curie Action FP-7 People-2011 ITN “Transglutaminase in disease; a novel therapeutic target?”, Work package leader,, 1.11.2011-1.11.2015.
  34. Industry and Trade Industry Thesis Program (SAN TEZ) “Development and industrial production of new microbial formulations in mosquito control”, Researcher, 01.03.2011-30.08.2013.
  35. TÜBİTAK 1001 Project “In Vitro Effects Of Sambucus Nigra, Sambucus Ebulus And Cistus Laurifolius Leaves Whıch Are Used In Tradıtıonal Medıcıne On Several Inflammatory Parameters And Nf-Κb Sıgnallıng Pathway”, Researcher, 15.10.2010-15.10.2012.
  36. TÜBİTAK 1002 Project “Importance of tissue transglutaminase and secretory phospholipase A2 interaction in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque” Project leader, 01.05.2010-01.05-2011.
  37. TÜBİTAK 3501 Project ““Role of tissue transglutaminase induced integrin trafficking in kidney cancer metastasis”, Project leader 15.03.2010-15.03.2012.
  38. TÜBİTAK 1001 Project “Nitic oxide induced tissue transglutaminase and TGFβ-1 modulation; molecular mechanisms in fibrogenesis and wound healing.” Project leader, 01.07.2005-01.01.2008.
  39. Sahin, F., Oztaş, T., Çakmakcı, R., Güllüce, M., Turan, M. 2007. Sixth Framework Programme Priority 5. Rhizobacteria for reduced fertilizer inputs in wheat (FP6-FOOD-CT-2006-036297)
  40. Esitken, A., Ercisli, S., Orhan, E., Erturan, H., Tohma, O., Donmez, F., Turan, M., ve Sengül, M. 2006. Effects of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on yield, quality and antioxidant activity and determination of their efficiency in terms of organic production in raspberry and strawberry (TUBİTAK Project No:106 O 049
  41. Effects Of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) On Growth, Development And Nutrient Uptake of Peach, Pear And Apple Under High Calcareous Soil Conditions (TUBİTAK Project No: 106 0 049)
  42. Yıldırım, E., Dursun, A., Turan, M., 2012.Effect of Nitrogen fixing rhizobacteria on nitrogen use efficiency, plant growth, yield and quality (TUBİTAK Project No:111O219)
  43. Barış, Ö., Güllüce, M., Kaya, M., Turan, M., Sahin, F. .2013. Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynağı Olarak Biyoetanol Üretiminde Tarımsal Atıkların Biyoteknolojik Olarak İşlenmesi ve Ülke Ekonomisine Kazandırılması. Tarım Bakanlığı
  44. Er, F., Karaman, R., Turan, M. Pekmezci, S., 2013.Baca Gazı Arıtımı Atığının Gübre Olarak Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması ve Geliştirilmesi Tarım Bakanlığı
  45. TUBITAK, Project Coordinator, Ion-exchange membrane design from natural polymers for immunoglobulin separations, 213M405, 2014-2015.
  46. SAN-TEZ, Yardımcı Araştırmacı, Sivrisinek Mücadelesinde Yeni Mikrobiyal Formülasyonlarin Geliştirilmesi Ve Endüstriyel Üretimi, 590.STZ.2010-1, 2011-2014.
  47. IRF-4 mediated regulation of lung dendritic cells during the viral infection (NIH, Researcher, 2015-2019)
  48. Differentiation of human hematopoietic stem cells to lung resident immune cells in a tissue-engineered lung model (NIH, Researcher, 2017-2018)
  49. Development of mycotoxin analyses methods for traditional foods (TUBITAK 1007, Researcher, 2012-2014)
  50. New approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of endotoxemia in calves: proteomic investigation and effects of intravenous choline administration (TOVAG, Researcher, 2011-2013)
  51. Investigation of effects and molecular mechanisms of therapeutic immunizations on cellular immunity in an environment where tolerance to HBV antigens has developed (TUBITAK 1001, Researcher, 2009- 2013)
  52. Investigation of therapeutic effect of dendritic cell subtypes stimulation with vaccine+antibody complex in HBV-tg mice (TUBITAK 1002, Principal Investigator, 2011-2012)
  53. Approaches of developing hepatitis B vaccine and improving efficiency of hepatitis B vaccines (Anadolu University Scientific Research Projects, Researcher, 2010-2011)
  54. Development of diagnostic kits for Hepatitis B infection by using serological and molecular techniques (TUBITAK 1007, Researcher, 2007-2010)