The student to do the internship must find the place of internship with her/his own means. Yeditepe University Career Development and Communication with Alumni Department.
supports students in finding internships. Manager of the Career Development and Communication with Alumni Department can be reached at:
Telephone: 0216 578 00 00/2629
Fax: 0216 578 00 51
Furthermore, many student clubs within our university have their own networks. Students who need an internship opportunity can get in touch with these clubs.
Mandatory internship period is 20 working days without interruption. If you have no doubts about the validity of the internship you have done and the notebook you have filled in, filling in extra notebooks will not benefit you.
While calculating the number of internship days, the actual working day should be taken as the basis as specified in the Labor Law. Special days such as public holidays, holidays etc. are not counted as internship days. The Chemical Engineering Department accepts internships in the Production, Research & Development and Quality Control units of industrial establishments. After determining the place of internship, the documents listed below must be submitted to the department’s secretary at least 4 weeks before the start of the internship. Required documents are
- Copy of identification card
- Residence certificate
- Photo (1)
- Commitment letter
- Internship approval form
- Health provision information document (can be obtained from (e-services of the Social Security Institution provizyon sorgulama-sağlık provizyon adımlarını takip ederek ulaşılabilir)
- If the student is involved in Bağ-Kur, a notification commitment
The first page in the Application and Approval form is filled in and delivered to the company after being signed by the head of the department. The second page is filled in by the company and delivered to the department internship officer. The third page (undertakings) is filled in by the student. After the document specified on the first page in the Preliminary Information form is completed completely, it is filled and delivered to the department secretary. The second page is filled by the company.
You can get the "Preliminary Information Form" and "Application and Approval Form" from the department secretariat. When the company and the date of the internship are determined, the students are required to submit their petitions to the Internship Officer of the Chemical Engineering Department.
While filling the internship notebook;
1. The limits of the information to be included in the notebook will be determined exactly by the internship you will do.
2. In general, based on your observations (you do not have to do the job yourself), you can talk about processes and job descriptions.
3. You should write the internship notebook using a computer.
4. The internship notebook will be filled in English. However, with the explanation of the terms you have trouble finding, you can express in Turkish. Outputs taken from the computer can be affixed where necessary.
5. The internship book and questionnaire (to be filled in by the student) must be submitted by the end of the first week of the university opening. Late books brought in will not be accepted.The internship evaluation report (to be filled in by the company) will be send by the company by fax, In addition, the original report to be given to you by the company in a sealed envelope should be handed over to the faculty in charge of the summer practises in the Chemical Engineering Department.